May 10, 2007 13:15
Why does everyone seem to have the intelligence and common sense level of fucking 3 year olds?! This is a serious question.
Apr 12, 2007 19:34
Do you think Japanese people become enraged when they see non Japanese people obsessing over their art?
Jan 28, 2007 17:22
It's just like one of those movies!
Dec 10, 2006 23:42
I really don't see what's so AWESOME about senior year.
Dec 07, 2006 18:43
I'm so not in to this christmas shopping stuff. So not cool.
Nov 22, 2006 21:54
It's that time again. and then homecoming. OH SNAP SON!
Nov 02, 2006 20:35
It's not christmas yet. Put the stupid pine trees away and all that glitter goes with it. Please wait until December first. Thank you and have a nice day. :-]
Oct 22, 2006 20:32
I quit life. Oh sweet Jesus. Oh my. but yeah I met a boy. :-]