what a goddamn fucking joke. have not updated this for years. forgot what the fuck livejournal was. luke reminded me. hows everyone ? dro still having anal sex? maybe? maddie? anyone???? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
To anyone that really cares! The past few months ive grown up alot, got back my ex-boyfriend (yes josh) and moved on! Anyone who still wants contact post a comment, I may even update a bit more.
www.anotherdeadhero.co.uk if anyone wants to know what im using now, www.myspace.com/kellythegrotesque, ADD <333
Feeling a little better today. Almost over the infections <3 Done my one good deed for the day. I want Maddie to come online now. josh has gone away to Corfu, thank fuck. I hope he dies :). Oh yeah and new underwear and Robert Smith makes me feel happy.. so send me underwear and Robert Smith, I'l love you forever. :p
I'm so emotional right now. Ive just listened to my most favourite song, and I'm in tears.Its so beautiful, but makes me feel like dying. It makes me think about things id rather not think about
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