Discedo's library gone since the massive arson incidents back in December 2010, Cynthia's archaeologist senses have been tingling and so she has taken it upon herself to replace the lost contents with as much information as Discedo denizens can gather, for their own knowledge and for the sake of those who might arrive in the future.
Basically, this project is divided into three categories:
aka WTF IS THIS PLACE. Anything and everything relating to Fortuna's present time goes here: the scientists, the chips and their locations, communicators, monsters, maps, navigational charts, what have you. For reference, the setting, monster list and miscellaneous mod posts turned into IC information, among others.
aka WTF HAPPENED HERE. Events from before and after All Hell Broke Loose go here, including but not limited to: bits of history found in the Spero trip, reports on the war against the hollislanders and anything else that has taken place in Discedo and its surroundings. If any characters have been keeping personal journals, they might make a good addition, too.
- Survival and living facilities:
aka WTF DO WE DO HERE. Survival guides and any facilities characters have developed over time go here: the soup kitchen, the school, the greenhouse, the watch guard, the barn... Really, any places and people others might rely on during their stay in Discedo.
Of course, there's no way she can do it all by herself, so she will be needing volunteers and help of all kinds:
- Researchers: the adventurous types who love exploring! Researching is the more dangerous part of the job, but hey, there are quite a few people out there who are known for enjoying it. This group will be responsible for going around and beyond Discedo to gather in loco information and share their findings later on.
- Writers: those who are talented with the pen - and those who are willing to learn! Hardworkers will be needed here, as all the writing will be done by hand. This group will be responsible for writing down anything the researchers find out about during their adventures; they should work together quite often.
- Helpers: those who aren't fit for danger or writing, but still want to chip in! They will be mostly scavenging for writing supplies and maybe lending a hand to the researchers, though their assistance can be requested for anything else that might come up along the way.
If your characters want to help, please fill out this form:
Character's Name | username: self explanatory;
Task(s): researcher, writer or helper; pick as many as you want;
Area(s) of choice: the world of Fortuna, history and events or survival and living facilities; pick as many as you want;
Anything else: self explanatory;
Character name | username: Cynthia | battledancing
Task(s): Project coordinator; will do a bit of everything, though likely focus on research.
Area(s) of choice: Again, a bit of everything, though definitely focusing on history and events.
Anything else: Cynthia might need some IC help with organizing everything. She's... a bit of a slob, really.
Character's Name | username: Marco | fierybluebird
Task(s): Monster list, exploring & writing.
Area(s) of choice: Anywhere.
Character's Name | username: the Doctor // that_bowtie;
Task(s): researcher, writer!
Area(s) of choice: Anything! Mostly EVERYTHING FORTUNA EVER.
Anything else: He's kind of... very very thorough but also very... uh... I don't think I could do his personality justice in one sentence, but check his journal and you might get an idea. "Runaway genius time-traveler Time Lord train" might come close. He has a very sharp ability to read his environment and deduce things from it and a massively analytical mind to boot.
Character's Name | username: Chihiro Shindou | allephoria
Task(s): writer
Area(s) of choice: the world and survival things!
Anything else: HERE TO HELP OUT ONEE-SAN. And she has some stuff recorded in her diary, but for future things she'll really need people to tell her what to write and stuff. ;w; Memory issues, gotta love them.
Character's Name | username: Dlanor A Knox / dollofmarble
Task(s): Researcher and Writer
Area(s) of choice: Anything she's asked to do, really. If left to her own she'll probably focus on Fortuna and the History/Events of what happened.
Anything else: Dlanor is a workaholic. She will comb over every little detail while out and about and then come back and write out detailed reports that look like they were done with a typewriter. :V She can also help Cynthia out with Organization!