OOC: Info Post, Crazy Long Edition

Apr 30, 2013 09:02

Okay! With gotacondition's infopost done, now I can get on with infoposting everyone else! I've got one more never-before-infoposted newbie for y'all, and then I'll make with the recapping of my older characters. Sound good? Good.

Samantha Traynor

playsforkepeshPortalocity branch manager and Alliance liason • 26 • Mass Effect 3
PB: Freida Pinto • Height: 5'6" • Ethnicity: Indian • Accent: English (Received Pronounciation) • From: Horizon, 2185 CE • Hotness: 10

Tropes: AdorkableHot ScientistHypercompetent SidekickSmart People Play ChessRobosexualHero WorshipperLipstick Lesbian
Canonmates: not_a_whinerfewerexplosions


Mass Effect, as you are almost certainly aware, is a space opera video game series (currently a trilogy, soon to be more than that) and expanded universe that, all in all, is complex, feels-terroristy and objectively awesome. That is a scientific fact. Quote me.

To give the abridged version, the games track the adventures of the customizable player character, the human military commander *microphone feedback* Shepard as he or she travels through space on a variety of assignments that tie into a single larger goal: defeating a race of enormous synthetic space crabs called the Reapers. Reapers are huge meanies who go around cleansing the galaxy of all advanced organic life every 50,000 years, but taking them out isn't just a matter of shooting them with stuff until it sticks: first Shep actually has to figure out that they exist and constitute a threat, bring them to the attention of the galactic government called the Council, and acquire the necessary resources to take them down. Even as all this is going on, Shep has tons of other things on his or her mind to worry about, not least of which is the existential crisis of the Mass Effect universe: which seat (s)he should taaaake of the many attractive and delightful squadmates to romance (if any at all).

That's actually a fairly cohensive summary of the games at large to give you an idea of what kind of universe Sam comes from, but it tells you almost nothing about her universe as she knows it. For starters, it's 2185 where she comes from; tons of different alien races interact with one another on a regular basis with little conflict (though there's some: the humans, brash newcomers to the galactic community, still don't have the respect that they feel they deserve; at the same time, there's bad blood between combinations of species that have been at war in the past, and plenty of races that have been on the scene for centuries still don't hold seats on the intergalactic government and are fairly bitter about it), with the hub of all galactic social life located on a station in the Widow system called the Citadel. (You may remember it from this field trip last fall.) Many species, including humans, have expanded beyond their original homeworlds -- Sam, for instance, was born and raised not on Earth, but on a colony in the Terminus Systems called Horizon. Intergalactic community is kind of a way of life, right along with futuristic technology like omni-tools, biotic powers, and day-to-day life like work and the pursuit of alcohol.

Something else that's a big part of The Lifestyle in the Mass Effect world, and a major theme throughout the games, is war culture - but while Sam is a technical specialist for the Systems Alliance, the human military fleet, and as such is immersed in war culture, the rest of her universe isn't there yet. That'll come later, once the fight against the Reapers really gets going and turns into a full-fledged war. For right now, the galaxy is waiting in semi-blissful ignorance, with Shepard temporarily dead and no major threats affecting the galaxy on a tremendously large scale...


Samantha Traynor - or Communications Specialist Traynor, to use the title she holds while serving with Shepard on the SSV Normandy SR-2 - is a skilled young technician from the planet Horizon. Though she was raised in space, she's spent time on Earth before, because she received a full Alliance-granted scholarship to Oxford University, which she wouldn't have been able to afford to attend otherwise. Now, on an Alliance salary for what she does for them as well as for Portalocity, Sam is in a bit of a better financial situation - just look at her crazily advanced toothbrush, which cost six thousand credits.

Personality-wise, Sam is clever, creative, and aware of her skills, though it takes her a while to get comfortable enough with the Normandy team to let her confidence show. Upon Shepard's first arrival onboard the Normandy, Sam is a starstruck, flaily mess, second-guessing everything she says. If Shepard chooses to reassure her, Sam is visibly comforted; however, in the event that Shepard tells Sam to keep it professional, Sam takes it upon herself to pull herself together, aware that she's setting a very poor example for a hero(ine) who has repeatedly saved the galaxy. Though she's not initially confident in the face of legends like Shepard (or, in fact, many of the Commander's past crew members and friends, as evidenced by Sam's flailiness at a party for all of them in the Citadel DLC), Sam is resilient and hard-working, and she's more than capable of toughing out a difficult situation until she finds her comfort zone (see: her increased ability to not flail around not_a_whiner). In Fandom, this will likely play out just like it did on the Normandy, with Sam doing her best to acclimatize to the new environment and act composed until she finds herself actually becoming familiar and comfortable.

Apart from all that, Sam is a big dork. She loves strategy games like chess and space chess, which is called Kepesh-Yakshi (see: username) and features virtual explosions as well as real negative neural feedback whenever a player sacrifices a piece. You kind of have to be a certain kind of badass to voluntarily play, and Sam's played in tournaments.

In a romantic relationship, Sam is a bit of a flirt and a romantic, but with a devious side. She's a lesbian -- sorry, Jack and Priestly! -- and also one of the few romance options that takes credit for initiating the romance rather than giving that credit to Shepard. While the two are sharing a hot tub in the Citadel DLC, Sam will scoff at Shepard's adorable insistence that the Commander was the one to start things between the two of them, pointing out that, uh, yeah, Sam used Shepard's shower and invited the Commander in to join her. They also share a few other adorable moments throughout the game, often with the Commander soothing Sam's flailing in instances like, for example,[Citadel DLC spoilers!]Sam briefly getting kicked off the Normandy by an evil clone of the Commander in the Citadel DLC.In the long term, Sam wants to settle down someday in a house with a picket fence, two kids and a dog - she tells Shepard as much if Shep is female and romancing her. At twenty-six years old, though, with a hella bright career ahead of her that she very much enjoys, Sam's not really in any kind of a rush. And anyway, as a romance with Shepard is not on the horizon for FH!Sam, all that shippy stuff is a bit moot anyway.

The next thing to know about Sam is that she's certainly friendly, but she's not great at socializing. Mingling at large gatherings is very much not her thing, and though Sam can endure the startlingly action-packed, shoebox-style living conditions aboard the Normandy, put the girl in a big group of people making small talk at a party and she trips all over herself. Still, in small, less overwhelming social settings, Sam is eager to get along with people and make friends, and unlike most of the rest of my on-island roster at the moment, she's actually really sweet about it.

One more fun fact about Sam is that she has a bit of a thing for robots. Specifically sexy-voiced robots who look and sound polished and feminine. Her, uh, robot fantasies can get surprisingly vivid, but please don't call her out on them or the… adult extranet sites she tends to privately frequent which depict organic/synthetic… um, porn. She's a bit shy about all that. For obvious reasons. Truth be told, I'm a little sad that gladigotburned isn't around to captivate Traynor here with her sexy, sexy voice.

All in all, Samantha Traynor is creative, dorky and bright; she's an expert on communications technology from her era and can easily grasp the less-complex tech here in 2013. She flails when she's uncomfortable but adapts to new situations fast, and while she's not what you'd call a social butterfly, making friends is still very much something she can and would like to do.


So, yes, Sam's managing Fandom's Portalocity branch these days! The part of her title that you don't hear is that she's also the Systems Alliance official Portalocity liason - which you don't hear not because it's a secret, but mostly because she figures the people in Fandom are more interested in hearing that she's the manager. But. She is both. (Incidentally, she dresses like she's military, too. For work, anyway. After-hours is probably a different story. But if you come by the office during her shift, it's hard to miss that what she's wearing is some kind of uniform, and very similar to Kaidan's.)

Anyway, her job means that if you have a bone to pick with the gnome (heh, accidental almost-rhyme), you are more than welcome to go through Sam. Her voicemail is here and you're welcome to dump business-related messages in there as well as personal ones, or to come see her in the office in person. Seriously, I would love for someone to yell at her. On top of that, if you'd like to come up with some portal torture that's actually Sam's fault, I would be more than happy to help with that if you shoot an email my way. (Though obviously, modding terrible Portalocity service in general is also still totally allowed.)

Personally, Sam is very committed to restoring some dignity to Portalocity as a business, because that's what she's getting paid to do, but apart from maybe a mildly improved social media presence and halfway competent customer service relations at this one branch, it's... probably not going to happen. She's got an overly chin-up, stiff-upper-lip perspective, but Portalocity blows, Traynor. Accept it.

Also, if you'd like to work at Portalocity, talk to me! Sam's going to ask for resumes, but I'll hire whoever. C'mon. You know you want to be a part of this failing industry. Doooo it.

And now for my characters who aren't new!

Christopher "Topher" Brink

dollpocalypse • Senior • Stark Industries employee • 17 • Dollhouse
PB: Fran Kranz • Height: 5'10" •  From: Los Angeles, CA

Tropes: Affably EvilBunny Ears ScientistFor ScienceInsufferable GeniusNo Social SkillsOmnidisciplinary Scientist
Peeps: selfhelpheroultron_juniorupmysleevejustbeingbayregretiz4suckaslockestheway

- Is spending the summer off-island interning for Aperture Science somewhere in the multiverse. Yes, I'm serious.
- Is capable of advanced hacking and computer programming which can be rented out for plotty purposes, la la la.
- Just passed the one-year anniversary mark with Billy, wtf.
- Made his own robot dog named Broca II, who barks with a British accent because Topher's a weirdo.
- Wears a dorky bracelet and has a Galaxy Quest tattoo on one of his ankles, like a nerd.
- Has a laundry list of phobias, including: rats and other rodents, the dark (especially when he's already stressed), wide open spaces (ditto), ladyparts, and being rejected by the friends he's built up since coming here.
- Has Asperger's and isn't really good at socializing.
- Is, however, very good at snarking and being disrespectful, which is kind of like being social except that it actively repels people.
- Is on his way to ending the world a little bit.
- The Victor in that top GIF is not a reference to ultron_junior, but that's funny.

Alexander "Alec" Gideon Lightwood

not_trivial • Senior • Freedom Arms employee • 17 • The Mortal Instruments
PB: Nicholas Hoult • Height: 6'2" • From: New York, NY

Tropes: The ArcherDemon SlayerLiteral-MindedGayngstBig Brother InstinctDoes Not Understand Sarcasm
Peeps: myownfaceliarallmyownhawkeye_toowhenshewasniceso_hawkward

- Is a Shadowhunter, which means he's toned like whoa and has a ton of scars and tattoo-like marks on his arms and, oh right, is superpowered and fights demons and stuff.
- Has a bit of a crush on his adopted brother and mystical BFF Jace, because Cassie Clare loves her some incest-adjacent-ness, and he thinks he's sneaky about it.
- Is not sneaky about it.
- Is dating Sparkle, sort of, if they ever have a conversation again after the dungeon awkwardness.
- Because there was dungeon awkwardness.
- Is no Clint, but can kind of kick ass with a bow and arrow all the same.
- Does not actually walk around sleeveless, whatever the filming shots from the movie may imply.

Gertrude "Gert" Yorkes

arsenicmauls • Junior • 15 • Runaways (Marvel 616)
PB: Mae Whitman • Gert's height: 5'1" • Old Lace's length: 7'0" • From: Los Angeles, CA

Tropes: Soapbox SadieThe LancerBadass BookwormThe Snark KnightThe Kid With The Remote Control
Peeps: ultron_juniorjustbeingbaysolarhippiemakemyownwayseeks_the_stars

- Had evil parents. Ran away from home with a bunch of kids in the same boat. All their parents got killed by giants. Now she's here.
- Her being forced to go to school is the Avengers' fault. She resents them like whoa for it.
- Hates The Man, people over eighteen, fat-free ice cream and non-Mac computers.
- Abides by a very intense moral code and is extremely reactionary about calling people out on violating it.
- Seriously, gets pretty shouty from time to time.
- Has a seven-foot-long pet deinonychus from the future that her parents got her before they died.
- Also has a telepathic bond with said deinonychus.
- Has purple hair and dresses kind of like this.
- Is, uh, going to die in a little over a year.

April Roberta Ludgate

hatesmoststuffCaritas bartender • 19 • Parks and Recreation
PB: Aubrey Plaza • Height: 5'6" • From: Pawnee, IN

Tropes: DismotivationEmotionless GirlBi The WayGrowing Up SucksProfessional Slacker
Peeps: apocalippedbitten_notshyelectrocyniclovemykiltnomeatvirgintexted3times

- As of the day it rained pets in Pokéballs, now has an adorable three-legged pit bull named Cliff!
- Is Puerto Rican and can speak fluent Spanish.
- Can play drums! She plays a lot of Rock Band, okay.
- Can stare for a really long time without blinking because she likes to unnerve people.
- Likes animals, her friends, and sleeping. And that is about it.
- Is more shaken up by what she did as a vampire in the BDE than she'd like to admit (which is, admittedly, zero, but she's a lot more shaken up than zero).
- Is forever in search of tacos on the island.
- Music-wise, listens to German death reggae, indie rock, Halloween sound effects records from the '50s, and Bette Midler. Obviously.
- Cares a lot about sabotaging Whole Foods.


wingerertsonicscrewdriver • callsyapastries on AIM

- I really am basically Scott Pilgrim.
- I'm twenty, from New York, and a sophomore in college living in the Chicago area with a somewhat crazy roommate.
- Except for this fall, when I'll be in Paris, but I'll get back to you when that news is relevant.
- Most of my time is spent annoying lockestheway or reblogging things on Tumblr or sometimes writing ill-advised genderswapped Tony Stark/Rhodey fic that may or may not be approaching the 40,000 word mark. Shut your face.
- Also, getting an education, I guess.
- I am shorter than all but probably two of you.
- I do not have a dinosaur, a three-legged pitbull or a robot dog, but I have a puppy and he's awesome so I win.

ooc: info post

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