So that was my reading week.... Where'd it go? Where'd everything go? I guess i need to figure things out pretty soon. this is really getting carried away. I just need to get through this week and then it should be better. Actually i just really need to get through monday and then things arent so bad for the rest of the week. oh what the hell.
So I'm home for reading week which will be pretty amazing. Being bored is really nice every now and then. Its all going to be fine. It all feels great.
On another note We've got our first show March 20th at the University of Windsor Pub, so anyone in Windsor better be there cause we're going to tear the place up. Wow that sounded dumber than I
And so here I am. Its amazing the things we do to the people that we love. Its been an hour and i kinda feel like I've been run over by a train. i'm scared and this is going to be really hard. I'm going to lay down now.