Title: only dreaming
Info: KitaFuji - Snippet
170w; G - Slipped into the same thing as
this by
omoikkiri, maybe.
It was like the memory - like how it played in his head, a music box memory, secretly too sharp for his heart. The cafe, the cider, everything more vivid than they had been when they had been real, just like Taisuke was. They were alone, because even though Hiromitsu knew there should have been people there, he didn't care to remember them.
"Do you remember this?" Taisuke was asking, and Hiromitsu felt his chest tighten painfully. How could he forget? They'd been here last Wednesday, like they'd gone nearly every Wednesday for the past summer.
"Yeah," he said instead. "Yeah, I remember."
His eyes were open as soon as he was awake, and for a single moment of clarity, he knew it had been real. He pulled the blanket tight around him, trying to trap the dream with him in the soft warmth. But no matter how hard he tried, Taisuke’s ringing laughter faded into the dull throb of his own headache, leaving him alone and feeling empty.