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Jan 11, 2006 17:06

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Post your results.
1) What animal does pod_hinata remind you of? A cat.
2) If pod_temari had a superpower, what would it be? Super-speed eating
3) Would pod_ino and pod_yamato look good together? NOOO!!
4) Is pod_kisame a college student? I don't think so.
5) Do you have pod_weasel's screenname? That is his screen name...
6) Does double_lotus have a crush on pod_iruka? I dont think so...
7) Which president would pod_gaara be likely to idolize? Well... He pretty much IS president.
8) Where did you first meet pod_kankuro? In the chat room... That one where i came in and i was there... and so was he...
9) Have you ever dated pod_yondaime? Nope, he's my Sensei ^_^
10) When did you last call pod_temari? A whore... Oh you mean WHEN.. hahah, my mistake.
11) If pod_hinata took over the world, who would suffer? Everyone.
12) One thing you can't stand about pod_weasel? He's the only one that can match my extreeme sexiness (Besides Yama-koi)
13) Are pod_chouji and pod_hinata going steady? Iunno. Ask them.
14) Is pod_weasel friends with pod_sai? Again, Iunno.
15) What is pod_ino's shoe size? Depends what the measuring system is.
16) Is pod_shikamaru a nerd? Well he's a genious, does that count?
17) If pod_temari took over the world, who would be happy? ermmm... She would...
18) If double_lotus and pod_weasel were siamese twins, where would they be joined? mwhaha at the backs, that would be amusing.
19) Has pod_uzumaki been to your house/dorm? No.
20) Where was pod_uzumaki born? In a bucket. Iunno, i was busy grieving for my lost sensei.
21) Is pod_kankuro single? As far as i know he is.
22) What is pod_gaara's biggest flaw? Not enough mystery.
23) Has pod_inuzuka dyed their hair? Nope.
24) Is pod_yamato related to you? Nope.
25) What exotic animal would pod_lee like as a pet? I have no idea.
26) What is pod_inuzuka's favorite game? Fetch.
27) Is pod_neji 1337? Hell yeah.
28) Is pod_hinata in a relationship? Puh-leaze. She's on the way to enlightenment.
29) Thoughts on pod_ino? Needs a haircut.
30) One quality you find attractive in pod_inuzuka? His beastly eyes.
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