back from hiatus, fools

Apr 15, 2006 23:32

The Random Question Meme!

An array of completely random questions about my friends!
Doesn't pod_inuzuka have anything better to do?I hardly know the fool, but if he does the in-the-heat thing.....Is pod_oro an innie or an outie?Like I'd WANT to know that sorta shit.What do you think of pod_tsunade's family?*stares off into space* ...the twins are nice, yaaap. *ahem* I mean, I don't know.What do you most envy about pod_kisame?He can swim... well?How will pod_orochimaru die?Through a fucking shoot out with ME.Could you take pod_neji in a fight?Hell yeah. I don't know; he's my bro.Is pod_gaara's spoon too big?The fuck?What historical figure does pod_sasori most remind you of?Tupac? I am not big on history.If pod_bulletin and pod_temari were superheroes, which one would be the sidekick?....bulletin? All right, well I'd say Temari, then. The bitches & hoes are always the sidekicks. Y'now what I mean?Did pod_sakon take the blue pill, or the red pill?He better have taken the red, or I'll kick his ass.Who would win in a fight between pod_weasel and pod_hinata?I don't know, man. Hinata can be one mean bitch.What is pod_yakushi's sexiest feature?Fuck you, queer.What's up with pod_uchiha?What's up with the Uchiha? Well, he's an emo kid and that somewhat pisses me off, but overall I guess he's all right.Will pod_uzumaki ever amount to anything?Naw...Where would you take pod_yamato on a vacation?I wouldn't take HIM no where.In what ways is pod_tenten smarter than you?Every way. That girl is all brains and shit.What happened the last time you and pod_chouji were hanging out together?Well, I had hella munchies one day, and I stole shit from him. Does that count?What is pod_lee's favorite meal?Like I know.What will pod_iruka be like in twenty years?Probably the president of Mexico or some dumb shit like that.What do you find admirable about pod_shikamaru?My bro hasn't a care in the fucking world. In a way, it's good and sometimes it's a little worry some, but he gets through. Yup, that's my dog Shika for you.
This is by heptadecagram. You can find your own completely random questions here.

Do you feel enlightened now?

In other words, I'm back. I just had the most wicked acid-trip.

[ooc: maarhgkjwea I started working for the first time ever, and it's kinda tiring. I also see my boyfriend whenever possible, so that takes up a lot of my freetime as well. I'll try to keep updating, though D:]
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