meme that's going around.

Jan 11, 2006 20:57

Click here.
Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) Is pod_shikamaru athletic? He's too lazy to even think about being athletic.
2) Does pod_kisame know pod_chouji? I suppose.
3) Does pod_lee travel a lot? I have no idea.
4) Did pod_gaara break up with you? He's my brother, so no.
5) What would pod_sakura think of pod_inuzuka? Probably that he smells.
6) Does pod_yondaime have a crush on pod_uchihaking? I would certainly hope not.
7) Which president would pod_ino be likely to idolize? I doubt Ino knows any.
8) What planet should pod_yamato be from? I don't care.
9) If pod_yamato commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? Kakashi.
10) What comic book character would pod_inuzuka be? Underdog.
11) What video game does pod_kisame remind you of? That one with the fish.
12) Are pod_chouji and pod_deidara going steady? No.
13) Has pod_ino been to your house/dorm? Hell no.
14) How tall is pod_neji? I don't care how tall he is.
15) Do you have a crush on pod_sakon? No.
16) Would you set up pod_uchiha and pod_kankuro? No, I don't hate Sasuke that much.
17) pod_yondaime's eye color? Blue, I'm guessing.
18) Would you wrestle pod_gaara in jello? ...after the results of the peanut butter wrestling, I would have to say no.
19) Is pod_ino in a relationship? With Sasuke, in her mind.
20) Does pod_oro drink? Probably.
21) Where was pod_uzumaki born? Konoha?
22) Does pod_uzumaki have a big secret? I guess so.
23) Would pod_sai and pod_yondaime look good together? Hardly.
24) Would you make out with pod_kisame? No.
25) Where was pod_yondaime born? I guess Konoha.
26) How long would pod_yamato dating pod_yondaime last? Not very, because Kakashi would kill one or both of them in a fit of jealous rage.
27) Is pod_lee a nerd? Oh yeah.
28) What would pod_uchiha do differently in your shoes? Sasuke couldn't fit in my shoes.
29) Is pod_neji related to you? Hell no.
30) Does pod_uchihaking have a dog? No.
31) What is pod_hinata's favorite movie? Probably some Disney flick.
32) Is pod_hinata popular? I don't know.
33) What do you disagree with pod_sai about? Everything, just to be difficult.
34) When did you last call pod_yamato? I've never called Yamato-san.
35) If pod_sakon and pod_hinata were spliced together, what would it be like? An ugly mess.
36) What languages does pod_sai speak? Penis.
37) What is pod_hinata's favorite color? Why do I care?
38) Does pod_kakashi go to your school? Neither of us go to school.
39) Is pod_uchiha a college student?
40) Would pod_ino go out with pod_inuzuka? I think it would be funny.

PS - Chouji, I need to speak with you.
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