Title: A Well Respected Man (Chapter 3)
Pairing: Morgan/Reid
Warnings: Drug recovery, very mild slash (all fluff)
Summary: Spoilers for 'The Big Game' and 'Revelations.' What happened during Dr. Reid's group therapy and throughout his recovery.
Chapter 1 can be found
Chapter 2 can be found
A/N: Okay, so I've made up my mind. There is going to be mild slash which will be nothing but cutesy fluff, promise. Nothing more than that, that way (I'm hoping) everyone wins and enjoys.
Disclaimer: Sadly, I do not own Criminal Minds.
Chapter 3
In the past three weeks, Morgan has spent countless hours at Reid's apartment between Reid's therapy sessions twice a week. They've sampled every type of food in the area including Italian, Thai, Chinese, Japanese, Mexican, as well as American fast food, and have settled on the tradition of Italian pasta, beer, and coffee as their “celebratory” food on therapy nights.
Tonight, Morgan and Reid sit on Reid's couch in front of The Count of Monte Cristo on an old television channel - Morgan slouched in his usual position with his feet placed comfortably on the coffee table, and Reid sitting cross-legged as he normally does - each taking huge bites of fettuccine alfredo.
Every so often, Morgan will pick up slight mumbles next to him, and he strains his ears to hear Reid quietly announcing each dialogue as it's said in the movie. Morgan grins and looks over at Reid, dropping his fork in the take-out container. “What are ya talkin' about there, kid?”
Reid frowned as the color drained from his face. “I didn't say anything.” He said quickly, shoveling fettuccine in his mouth, squirming uncomfortably.
Morgan's grin grew wider. “Did I just hear you say... 'Oh, Dantès ...,' Reid?”
Reid stood up abruptly, clearing his throat. “I'm getting more coffee. Want some?”
“You have almost a full cup right there, kid.”
“You didn't put enough sugar in it.”
“Right.” Morgan added, chuckling, and handing Reid his coffee cup.
When Reid returned, the credits were starting to appear on the screen as Reid once again placed himself in his cross-legged position. He began gathering noodles around his fork absentmindedly as his hair hung in his face, as it often did when he wasn't paying attention.
“We've been talking about... specific things.. in the past couple of sessions.” Reid began, dragging his fork around in his food, tilting his head to the side. “We've been talking about family a lot and people who have been supporting us through our... my.. recovery.”
Morgan put his plate down on the table and shifted himself on the couch so that he was facing Reid, placing his arm over the back of the couch while Reid thought of what to say next. Reid continued looking straight ahead with his food.
“I was telling her about my mother and the team, and I came to a realization last week, about someone on the team, but I don't... I don't know how to express any of it, or if I should, or if -”
“Reid.” Morgan cut him off. “You can tell me anything, I'm not gonna judge you.”
“I know. It's just... It's about you, and -”
“Tell me, kid.”
Reid sighed and Morgan waited patiently as he could almost hear Reid's mind going into overdrive trying to come up with what to say.
“I just.. I want you to know that you coming here and spending time with me through all of this really helps, and I really enjoy it...” Reid finally looked at Morgan and Morgan smiled.
“I enjoy it, too, kid. You're great company.” Reid gave a small nod and looked back at his food. “But that wasn't everything you wanted to tell me, was it, Reid?” Reid slowly shook his head.
“I think I've gotten a little bit better at acknowledging my emotions and a little bit better at dealing with people. At least I hope so anyway...” Reid began again after a couple minutes of silence. “..And I just.. I feel safe when I'm with you, I feel less... awkward.. And I think -” Reid stood up then and picked up his dishes. Morgan watched him, unsure of what to do or say. “And I think that I'm in love with you.” Reid stepped over Morgan's shoes and quickly walked off into the kitchen before Morgan could even comprehend what was said.
A/N: Don't kill me! Yes, that's the end of the chapter. But, in two more days, chapter 4 will be up (maybe sooner), promise! ;) Review, please?
Review puhlease?