Title: Buried Pairing: Eunhae Genre: AU Summary: Hyukjae has spent a long time adjusting to his way of life. Now, he has to face a change that he never could have expected.
Hi, sorry about sending my message through a comment on your latest chapter for one of your stories, I just can't send you a message it seems and I really do want to you send you this message! I hope that's alright with you, although I am more than willing to remove my comment if you find this disagreeable. As for my original reason to contacting you, I was looking through my memories after not being here forever and going through nostalgic favourites, and I was wondering what happened to One. Two. Three.? When I try to click on it, it says access denied. If I added you as a friend, would I be allowed to see it? It's just, I find it such a shame since this particular story has stayed with me after all these years, and sticks out as one of the absolute best stories I've read in the SJ fandom, without a doubt. I really would love to be able to read it again, it holds a special place in my heart. However, if you have other personal reasons as to why it's no longer accessible, I will respect your decision. Above all, I would be overjoyed
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Hi! This is a totally okay method to talk to me but you're super sweet for worrying about it. I just checked and saw that the story was set to private but I'm not 100% sure why I did that. Anyway, it's back up now! I'm really glad that you enjoyed it to this extent. Thank you for leaving such a nice comment! ♥
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