Title: Buried Pairing: Eunhae Genre: AU Summary: Hyukjae has spent a long time adjusting to his way of life. Now, he has to face a change that he never could have expected. ( Read more... )
Title: Buried Pairing: Eunhae Genre: AU Summary: Hyukjae has spent a long time adjusting to his way of life. Now, he has to face a change that he never could have expected.
Title: Buried Pairing: Eunhae Genre: AU Summary: Hyukjae has spent a long time adjusting to his way of life. Now, he has to face a change that he never could have expected.
Title: Buried Pairing: Eunhae Genre: AU Summary: Hyukjae has spent a long time adjusting to his way of life. Now, he has to face a change that he never could have expected.
Title: Buried Pairing: Eunhae Genre: AU Summary: Hyukjae has spent a long time adjusting to his way of life. Now, he has to face a change that he never could have expected.
Title: Buried Pairing: Eunhae Genre: AU Summary: Hyukjae has spent a long time adjusting to his way of life. Now, he has to face a change that he never could have expected.
Title: Buried Pairing: Eunhae Genre: AU Summary: Hyukjae has spent a long time adjusting to his way of life. Now, he has to face a change that he never could have expected. ( Read more... )
Title: Buried Pairing: Eunhae Genre: AU Summary: Hyukjae has spent a long time adjusting to his way of life. Now, he has to face a change that he never could have expected.