Title: Intimacy Pairing: Eunhae Rating: NC-17 Genre: AU, smut Summary: Hyukjae needs something that he cannot put into words A/N: Forgive me for I have forgotten how to use lj. Also this is basically just multiple blow jobs. I'm so sorry. I wrote the beginning to this like two years ago and randomly decided to finish it today. Enjoy?
Title: Curious Kyuhyun and the Case of the Cryptic Carnival Pairing: Qmi Genre: AU Rating: PG-13 (Violence/Gore) Summary: Kyuhyun attempts to escape his unhappy life with the help of a carnival. A/N: Commission for Sara! (I am so sorry about the title. I couldn't stop myself.) -
Title: Sweet and Sour, Socks and Flour Pairing: Eunhae Rating: PG Genre: Fluff and other stuff Summary: In a moment of pain, Donghae finds kindness in a boy with an unfamiliar face. A/N: Inspired by the story of a peanut.
Title: Flipbook Pairing: Eunhae Rating: NC-17 (overall) Genre: Fluff and other stuff Summary: Having fun isn't hard when you've got a library card. A/N: This is for
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Title: Happy Pairing: Henhyuk (it's technically Hyukry I guess) Rating: NC-17 Genre: Smut For Liz whom I dislike because this is her fault and I fell asleep like four times while writing this because I am super tired but also for me because there is not enough Henhyuk in the world. ( Read more... )