well im marrying eric in spring of 2008! woot go me. yeah there has been soooooooooooooooooooooooo much going on. Im busy rite now but ill update later
I am seeing an incredible guy and i have an incredible girl waiting for me in miami now so its all gravy. my party is gonna be kick ass, i still have no clue what im going to wear and what not. I'm pretty much done with school. I'm going to college soon so no more highschool bullshit.
Well KYle and I have broken up, dated other people, that was a mistake. we are back together. YAY. Im on probation, for hittin sharon. FUCK THE POLICE! Ive supposedly got a date with kyle tonight. i hope it goes through, hes so wonderful!
well my parents have decided to go to some country music show so yeah party at my house. call the cell if u wanna come the party is october 24. 850 284 4407
I love kyle, i really do, that would be why im sticking by him through all this drama. PEOPLE- KYLE IS NOT CHEATING ON ME SO QUIT TELLING ME HE IS!! THANK YOU. to all my friends in miami I love you all so much this town sucks i dont belong here.
Well, i wanted my 16 brithday peircing to be my marilyn monroe, but my parents said if i want shinedown tickets i have to take it out. im so torn. so i put another hole in my cartlige
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Cliff and I had a scare, Hes afraid of getting charged but we found out its ALL GOOD. I'm going to be 16 in a few days. My baby is sick with strep throat. I hope hes okie.... I'm going to call him tommorrow to make sure hes ok.
waiting for cliff to wake the fuck up so i can get laid. forgive what i type in here im drunk! WOOT~ IM HERE FOR THE PARTY! starla is coming over. I WANT CLIFF DAMMIT!