I've just created the brand new community totaling. It is to support those with eating disorders; a place where you can feel safe and not judged by others for whatever you may be going though.
Membership is open so you can join instantly here!
So people have a place that they can say/write something they've always wanted to get off their chest, but have may not necessarily wanted others to know it was them saying it. (Also, you can anonymously ask me something here, if you any of you want to
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I know 'poloroids' is spelt wrong, but it's because, I'm in love with a songs by an old band called Poloroid. And when I tried to rename my username as that, I found someone had already taken it! Ha, so add and an 's' and there you have it.. Also, I love Polaroid cameras, and photography, so that kind of links in too.