Okay, so in regards to this plot right
here, various people around the City have been getting attacked by a not-so-in-control
Eden. So in order to bring this plot to a close, a bunch of muns got together and hashed out a plan to take her down (with Eden-mun's permission of course). We're going to post the sequences of events here and let individuals back-date the actual fight, so if people involved want to add something or if I've forgotten something just comment.
1. On Thursday afternoon/early evening, Shalimar (
feralside ) tracks Eden to where she's been hiding out in the City. Then she waits for Eden to leave for a bit before informing the rest of the Let's Help Eden Group the name needs work where she's staying.
2. Tony Foster(
darkest0knight ) and The Sorrow (
spiritofsorrow) (and other magic types who want to help??) set up a warded trap that will hold Eden to that specific area so she can't use her powers to transport herself away. While they're doing that, in anticipation of some heavy injuries, Tony and The Sorrow work on a spell that will allow them to transfer any power Eden tries to take from the blood of the City Dead elsewhere (i.e. to the non-Sidhe part of Eden, to the wards, to Tony and The Sorrow, etc.). **Those who want a better explanation of how this might work, just comment and I'll tl;dr at you.
3. In the evening, Eden comes back, gets held by the trap and then pounced by the group.
4. Shalimar, Lockon Stratos (
haroicsacrifice ),anybody else who wants to help out, will be distracting Eden from killing the magic types who are holding down their spells and from Lelouch (
lel0uch ) who will be attempting to get Eden to make eye contact.
5. Eden looks into Lelouch's eyes, the Sidhe gets a Geass put on it that keeps it from taking over Eden's body.
6. In the meantime, everyone else gets pretty beat up and bloody, the now back-in-control Eden gets whisked away to a safe place by Lockon, and people slink off to their respective homes/hospitals/friends' houses to lick their wounds.
7. Profit?
As mentioned previously, the IC logs or threads for this fight will be hashed out between individuals and backdated. Please consider all these events to have taken place this evening.