
Jun 12, 2011 00:28

Citizens, hold on tight to your network devices in PG-13-rated ways only, please! Tomorrow, at around 1 p.m. [EST], everyone should be privy to the following feed:

IC feed >>! )

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WISHES AND FISHES unborn_of_this June 11 2011, 23:29:35 UTC
WISHES AND FISHES protects_her June 16 2011, 17:41:50 UTC
Would it be too big of a wish for Finnick to get a boat? Not a huge full-sized ship like the Dawn Treader or anything, but a neat little sailboat he could pilot himself and use for fishing and take a guest for rides on?

(He got one of the ancient coins on pirate day. o/)


Re: WISHES AND FISHES laszlo_jamf June 17 2011, 00:24:20 UTC
Sure, that seems pretty do-able! Like you said, it wouldn't be a huge ship, but it could be a bit of a sailing yacht or a fishing sailboat--something to mess about in on the water.

Your wish...well, maybe it's not my command, but it'll come true when the City comes to rest again after this event is over.

(How ironic, somehow...)


Re: WISHES AND FISHES protects_her June 17 2011, 00:54:03 UTC
Fabulous! Thank you kindly, sir, madam, or thing! ♥


Re: WISHES AND FISHES laszlo_jamf June 17 2011, 01:09:36 UTC
I shall henceforth be known as a "thing." Begin all letters to me as...

"Dear Thing," &c &c


chosenfake June 17 2011, 00:53:28 UTC
Could Luke wish for a sword from home? Not just any weapon-- the Key of Lorelei. It wouldn't have the summoning abilities, of course, but it'd help him focus his powers, technically, and give him access to a second Mystic Arte so that he can kamehameha.

Asch gave it to him and told him to take care of it, and since he doesn't have it, well. :|

If that's too big of a wish, he can also wish for a picture of his mother.


laszlo_jamf June 17 2011, 01:22:12 UTC
Getting this particular sword back seems like it would be all right for his reward for all Luke's hard work, sure. Both magic and sentimental--how could it get much better? Of course the usual game rules about powers being weakened by City magic will apply to it, as you know. Otherwise, have at it, Luke! But is his power over 9,000?


chosenfake June 17 2011, 01:41:33 UTC
Awww. ;___; Thank you! It's not even the strongest sword in the game, actually... lmfnsfknjkdf. WITH YOUR POWERS COMBINED... MAYBE IT'S 5000?

I forgot to add that it was in return for the gold they asked for on Pirate Day, but he's also getting at least some flint. Because he wants to keep the City running and harpy-free.


laszlo_jamf June 17 2011, 01:43:21 UTC
Yes, but it still matters to him, though, right? Okay, then.

Harpy-free for ____ days...

Also, I apologize for that rocking grammar fail up in my comment >>;; Good job, me.


chosenfake June 17 2011, 01:45:15 UTC
Oh yes. Very much so. He'll carry it with him through hell and high water-- this is canonically proven.

He tries not to think about that too much.

Don't worry about it ♥


Re: WISHES AND FISHES eagleofautozam June 17 2011, 07:02:38 UTC
Lady Aska - laughswithfan
Aska ended up with one flint ax head but she only has a small wish anyway. She would like to have a few more scrolls from home. She has one in the City right now, but having a few spares around sounds like a good idea to her.

Eagle Vision - eagleofautozam
Eagle here… looks like he ended up with the Captain’s share of a treasure during the Pirate event, since no one stole it, ha! Since it has to be sort of a small wish how about more time? His illness has become bad enough that others are finding out about it now. When that happened canon-ly it meant he didn’t have much time left at all. This would give me an excuse to do what I was thinking of doing anyway… and keep him alive a little longer. Maybe even frozen at this level of illness. Be careful what you wish for, hm? That could get tiring fast.


Re: WISHES AND FISHES laszlo_jamf June 17 2011, 12:59:18 UTC
It's one wish per character, no matter how many items they found--so one axe head or a chestful of gold, it's all good!

Both Aska's and Eagle's wishes seem like they'd be all right. Of course, the usual City's limitations on powers and magic would still apply to Aska's scrolls, but having a few more around for her would be fine.

Likewise, Eagle's disease can be kept from, um, killing him. If you'd like, the progression of it can either slow or stop completely for so long as he's in the City. He won't be cured of it, but he won't get any worse.


Re: WISHES AND FISHES laughswithfan June 18 2011, 01:02:18 UTC

Thanks a bunch~!


horrible_protag June 18 2011, 00:03:42 UTC
I haven't figured out what Angua wants yet, I'll get back to you on that.

It doesn't matter how many items Hammer got- every single wish will be 'I wish to return home.' Obviously, these wishes will not be granted. So this comment is pretty much just for the record.


laszlo_jamf June 18 2011, 21:14:08 UTC
Sorry Hammer, no dice :( You can wish all you want, but ALAS!

Feel free to tag back if you come up with a wish for Angua!


blueishotter June 18 2011, 05:19:18 UTC
Would it be too much if Rin's wish was to KICK SATAN'S ASS!!!11!1 wish for his demon familiar? He's usually the size of a small black cat (that looks sorta odd), but he can INCREASE IN SIZE and stuff. He doesn't really have enough personality to be apped or anything, so-- maybe? IF NOT I can figure something else out. o7

He got a stone egg on dinosaur day. \o


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