Title: Middle of Nowhere
Disclaimer: These characters are not mine. They were created by Annie Proulx. I make no money from this and don't want to.
Rating: NC-17
Thanks: To Em and Keren for all your help, encouragement and support.
Feedback: Oh yes please!! I appreciate every word.
Middle of Nowhere - Chapter 13
Jack’s Birthday: Part 1Jack
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Comments 73
This chapter was beautiful, Ennis taking Jack riding, making one of his dreams come true ! Thank you so much !
The horse ride was so romantic, but I'm betting what Ennis has planned for the evening is even better - can't wait for part 2!
Anna x
And what a lovely day Ennis has planned for Jack.. .awww... and we still have evening to look forward to! Ennis taking him to ride... it's like sharing a favourite part of his life with Jack :P
just a lovely lovely chapter... I can't wait for the night fall *winks*
He hoped that what he had planned would give Jack a birthday he would always remember, long after the other memories of this summer faded away.
this statement is both so beautiful and little sad... I hope not just this birthday, that they have more days to accumulate other beautiful memories... but this summer, is like Brokeback... except a bit crowdy :P
thanks for the update, Christie :)
The horseback ride was a sweet start to Jack's birthday. I can hardly wait to know what the surprise is that Ennis has in his rucksack for Jack.
I'm looking forward to your next chapter. I love this story! : )
Now on to Part 2?
Thanks. Carole
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