Note to self: Writing down your journal's password and putting it somewhere for safekeeping is only a good idea if you can remember where you put it. x
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MY HOUSE! MY HAIR! MY HORNS! MY BODY! WHERE'D IT ALL GO!? @___@;; I'm not suppost to be here, nor is my hair suppost to be this tall or my body this short and...*cough* male! AH
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What..the...?! Th..this is way too weird. *panicworry* Naruto, what's going on!?! I'm most definetely freaked out beyond all reasonable belief now. We ..probably should be careful about..leaving the room..for awhile....alright
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Just got home a little while ago. I had to call my shopping trip off early because Ayumu locked herself in the pantry (?!) and needed someone to help her get out. It's for the best I probably didn't stay out though. This whole afternoon I haven't been feeling very well. It's strange because I felt just fine yesterday. Has anyone else been sick
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Everybody failed. That's not fair at all, I don't think. Even Tracey ( think thats his name,right? I saw his project in class!) failed and he's really good at drawing!!