How scarred do you have to be from your childhood experiences of Christmas to not want to put up a tree in your apt with your new wife on your first married Christmas? Because you are so afraid of doing it wrong because at your house it was ALWAYS wrong.
Someone help me cause I really do think I am losing my mind. I don't think I have ever been this scared shitless or felt this defeated in my whole life. It hurts to breathe.
I am now panicking over this portfolio. I have nothing left in my ass to pull out and several more holes to fill. Why does this have to be so hard? FUCK!
It suddenly occurs to me that my portfolio is due VERY soon.....Student teaching is almost over! I have only 3 artifacts done out of 10 GROAN.....I think I am fucked. day I will grow up and quit doing this to myself...
And I have been running a fever all day! YAY! NOT!!!