Tyler, my 5 year old son, is going through a phase right now and I'm pretty worried about him. He's got some big time anxiety and fear about death and dying. We frequently deal with melt downs usually before bed time, or if he is already upset about some other unrelated reason and I'm not quite sure what to do about it. He brings up my Great
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I was having a discussion with my ex-wife about our daughter, who's 6 now, and her current education progress. She was expressing some concern that her teacher was teaching the kids wrong. My reply to that was, off-the-cuff, but I thought it was good and decided to post it here. My basic understanding of a child's learning process is that they
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Hello. This community doesn't really seem too active but I thought I would post to see what might come of it. So, for starters, I'm looking for a long term relationship with a girl who is sweet, caring and honest. I'm kind of leaning toward single mothers because I'm a single dad myself and it seems that at least single moms would understand the
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I'm looking for a gay-friendly pediatrician in the area of St. Vincent's hospital. Or anywhere, really. I took my son to his first appointment with his new pediatrician and explaining his family situation and her reaction was really awful.