Title: Head Full of Doubt, Road Full of Promise (4/8)
Fandom: Glee
Pairings: Rachel/Quinn; Rachel/Finn; Brittany/Santana; Artie/Tina
Rating: This part is rated R, but it'll be NC-17 soon.
Spoilers: Up through "Sectionals"
Word Count: 7,214
Description: Rachel's answer to Quinn's melancholia is to take her on a summer road trip with the gleeks.
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Comments 49
I would have guessed Puck got beat up by a drag queen. Just a girl was my second guess.
i really like Puck in this and i love the boys hassling him in the motel room.
can't wait for the next update.
Always a nice surprise when I see your updates :) one of my favs fics so far. Already looking forward for next update!
HEE! I love all the character interactions. Even if I'm already missing Mercedes, Kurt, Matt, and Tina. ;__;
Oh, Rachel. I don't blame her, because she's in a tough situation. She likes Quinn, but doesn't know where she stands with her, and doesn't feel she can really talk to Quinn about it. But still, this can only end in tears. I love that Rachel genuinely likes Finn. So in-character, for Rachel and teens in general.
"Punch buggy!"
"No, Brittany. Just... no." (lmao to be quite honest i think these always make me laugh the hardest.)
i really hope quinn doesn't find out about rachel and finn. i feel like quinn will totally feel betrayed and distrust rachel.
also, i love the build up of the kissing scenes with faberry.
& i loved the brittana at the restaurant. super cute.
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