Title: Head Full of Doubt, Road Full of Promise (4/8)
Fandom: Glee
Pairings: Rachel/Quinn; Rachel/Finn; Brittany/Santana; Artie/Tina
Rating: This part is rated R, but it'll be NC-17 soon.
Spoilers: Up through "Sectionals"
Word Count: 7,214
Description: Rachel's answer to Quinn's melancholia is to take her on a summer road trip with the gleeks.
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Comments 49
This is definitely one of my favourite Faberry fics and you're only halfway through. So very eagerly awaiting the next chapter. :D
i only have this left to say...MOAR!!...and thank you ;)
2. "Organization is important!"
3. "Dude," ... "You'd make an awesome lesbian." Actually the whole Mike, Artie and Puck exchange
Win Win Win!
The Puck/Rachel bonding was perfect, I like them.
Brittany was her cute self and her wanting Faberry to be as happy as she and Santana are.
Protective!Santana is always a win in my book.
The Fin/Rachel/Quinn is just so grhhh, poor Rachel being frustrated.
The ending was precious and I'm can't wait for what is going to happen when
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