Title: Quiet Life
Fandom: Glee
Pairings: Rachel/Quinn
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Up through "Sectionals"
Word Count: 2,344
Description: Written for
this glee_angst_meme prompt. The less-than-idyllic life of Rachel and Quinn, spanning nineteen years.
It's the quiet life you've been waiting for. )
Comments 78
In all seriousness, it was a very good fic, angsty with the perfect bittersweet ending, since I can't imagine Rach going back to Quinn after all that.
The angst was perfect, and although I'd rather have a happy ending, I think in this case I like the way it ends its more realist and fits better. (But wouldn't be opposed to a sequel)
I love the pace, and Lily's pov on what's going on it was terrific.
I loved that Puck in the end made peace with Rachel because sometimes it's hard to get away from someone as destructive as Quinn was.
loved the story though. heartbreaking.
:( Poor Rachel. This was so amazingly heartwrenching, and even though I am a sucker for happy endings, the way this ended was just perfect. I can't imagine it any other way. Props, for serious.
The ending was very well done, and I like this left like this - open-ended... kind of. If they were ever to get back together it would be a huge long angsty monster fic with Rachel having tons of issues because of it, and Lily screaming at Quinn on Rachel's behalf, and... lots and lots of stuff :) But I like this like this (length :) ).
Thanks for the awesome read!
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