Title: Quiet Life
Fandom: Glee
Pairings: Rachel/Quinn
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Up through "Sectionals"
Word Count: 2,344
Description: Written for
this glee_angst_meme prompt. The less-than-idyllic life of Rachel and Quinn, spanning nineteen years.
It's the quiet life you've been waiting for. )
Comments 78
Wonderful, wonderful job!
This was heartbreaking and it was beautifully worded. I love happy endings but I have to say that if you left it where it's at, I won't be disappointed. Quinn deserves the sad lonely life.
I do hope, however, that you write more Faberry goodness!! :) Thanks for sharing.
But then we wouldn't have the angst!
I once read in a book that the people you love and the people that love you are never, ever the same. Sometimes I think that's very true.
Thanks for reading.
I knew it was a Palahniuk book.
Usually I don't like reading angst that doesn't end happily, but this just felt right. I really felt for Rachel and leaving Quinn seemed like the absolute right thing to do (and there was a small part of me that was glad that Quinn ended up so unhappy without her). It overall has a very nice feeling of closure (although I wouldn't be against a sequel where Rachel finds someone she loves who actually treats her well).
I really enjoyed the relationship between Puck and Rachel , how Puck isn't some deadbeat Lima Loser. I especially liked the thought of him wanting to bring Lily on tour and making sure it would be "clean" for her.
I secretly want Puck and Rachel to be partners in crime.
So, yes, this is my very non-eloquent way of saying I enjoyed reading this.
Thanks for the awesome commentary!
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