i think it's time for a plus/minus post as well...partially because i'm too lazy to actually form sentences and paragraphs w/ any order or style of some kind
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uuuuh yeah so lst night was pink party...and holly and i got all cute and pinked up, and so did carson (omg he's so fucking hot) and zach (also hot lolz) and then we walked in to the party and
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wow ok honestly, college is starting to feel like nothing more than the oppotunity to realise how much more you suck than you thought you did around ppl that you've known for a long time. where a first impression seriously EVERYTHING. no joke. at least it is for me
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goddamn this fucking cold as fuck weather, i mean it's really not like THAT cold but still, it's pretty fucking cold. and i FUCKING HATE cold weather, that's why i dont like winter
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i think this term is going to recquire A LOT more effort on my part... and i dont think i like that...i'm not really good w/ the whole "effort" thing in general so yeah, this will be interesting
it's weird, it feels like none of us ever left, or like we were just away for a weekend. it's amazing how your life just picks right back up, it will seem even more like this tomorrow, because i'll go to class, and everyone that isn't here now, is back too.