240 Glee Main St. (5/13)

Jun 07, 2010 16:03

Title: 240 Glee Main St. (5/?)
Author: pri_rage
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Rachel/Quinn and Santana/Brittany. Mentions Finn/Quinn. Eventually/Possibly Artie/Tina, Kurt/Finn.
Disclaimer: Characters not mine, just borrowing them for a bit.
Spoilers: AU Glee. No spoilers.
Word Count: 3015
POV: Brittany

[1] [2] [3] [4]

Since Quinn wasn't available in the moment, busy with whatever she and Rachel are doing, or rather not doing, I decided to call someone else. I figured Kurt would be the most indicated person to go to in the occasion. He answers me after two rings.

"Hey Britt"

"Hey, what's up?"

"Nothing much."

"Can you talk right now?"

"Of course. Are you okay?"

I didn't think it was weird for Kurt to worry. Although we are fairly good friends, I rarely call him.

"No, no I'm fine, every thing's fine. I just need help. With S. I thought you would know stuff to help me or something. I mean, Quinn is to busy doing 'nothing' with Rachel, and I can't talk about S with S, because she would not approve of my plan."

"Plan, you say?" I could hear him getting excited about the call. I knew he would, being worst then Perez Hilton when it comes gossip, make overs and devious plans to get something to work.

"Yeah. Well, I'm kinda tired of this thing between me and S. I decided to do something about it. Tonight. I asked Quinn, when she was not at Rachel's, what she thought I should do, and she told me S thinks I'm too naive and that I don't know about relationship stuff. So I'm going to be all grown up. I was thinking of wearing a suit tonight, and smoking. Smoking makes you look older, right?"

"Although the image of you in a suit and smoking would even turn me on, and I'm the gayest person in the street, I don't believe it would be a very healthy thing to do Britt. I understand that it makes you less stressed out or whatever, but I think there is a way to get her attention without risking getting cancer."

"And you have a better idea? I'm even speaking more mature and smart stuff, but she doesn't seem to care." I tried to sound really upset. I wanted him to come up with a really good plan. Nobody likes to see me upset, I'm their puppy in every way.

"Chill Britt, you are talking to an expert in the matters of gay and heart."

"Reading Cosmopolitan hardly makes you an expert of the heart, Kurt."

I bet he is rolling his eyes right now.

"Insulting me is not getting you what you want. Do you want my help or not?"

"I do, sorry. Can we just move on? We don't have a lot of time."

"I'm coming over. And, trust me Britt, by the end of the night, she will be yours"

"Yay" And I start clapping. Then I realized it wasn't a good idea because I had my phone in my hand. Ooops.

"Kurt? Are you still there?" I ask after I pick the phone up from the floor. I either broke my phone, or he hanged up on me. The fall wasn't that bad, but I figure clapping with the phone still in my hand probably didn't do well with my phone.


Kurt is at my room, going over all my clothes. I'm still trying to turn my phone on, but nothing. My mom is not going to be happy.

"You need to make her jealous. That's gonna wake her up, make her realize the you are not 8, even tough you act like it sometimes." He says and throws a bunch of clothes in my bed.

"Hey!" I say, and throw my broken phone at him. It's already broken, may as well put it to good use. I hit his head, and I feel kinda bad about it now. But he so deserved it.

"Ouch!" He said while rubbing his head at the spot I hit him."You might as well force her to get with you. That hurt a lot. Couldn't you just throw a pillow or something?"

I roll my eyes at his whining.

"Jealousy you were saying?"

He picks a black tank top with shiny things on the front. I don't even know why I bought it, I don't really like wearing black, and the shirt is really not that great.

"That's, like, the most cliche way to get someone. Haven't you watched any romantic comedies in the last 5 centuries?" Kurt looks up from the clothes, and put the black tank top on his shoulder.

"I prefer to watch cartoons" I say with a pout. "My favorite is Donald Duck!" I say, replacing the pout with a big smile.

"Of course you do. No wonder Santana thinks you are too innocent." He goes back into the closet.

"So whats your master plan, Dr Evil of Love?"

"You sit by Rachel at dinner tonight." He comes back from the closet with a dark blue jeans and puts at my chair by the desk, and puts the tank top on top. He then goes back to the closet.

"But Rachel likes Quinn."

"But Rachel made S uber jealous on our sleepover Saturday. She mention something about her getting all the blonds. You were sleeping at the time."

"I've barely talked with Rachel. And she is not my type anyway."

"No, your type is moody Latinas" He says with a smirk, exiting the closet, and sitting in my bed.

"Whatever, Kurt. Your position as Dr. Evil of Love has been restocked"

"It's revoked, Britt."

"Revoked, restocked, same thing. You are still not being helpful."

"Are you PMSing or something? You are too moody for being you."

"It's... I'm just... I'm really nervous okay? I want stuff between me and S to go somewhere. Do you really think making her jealous will work?" He touches my hand, as if he understand what I feel. It's a little bit comforting, but not as much when S do it. I love it when she touches my hand when I'm sad.

"It could work. It's better then your 'Suit and cancer' plan."

His plan kind of makes sense. I think its better if I go with it. What's the worst that could happen? Suddenly I have an idea. And I love myself for that idea.

"Can I borrow your phone?"

"No, what do you need my phone for?"

"Trust me. I have an idea"

"Oh lord, save us"

"It includes you getting Finn"

His eyes light up, a he a small smile substitute the scowl. He thinks for a while, and narrow his eyes.

"Fine. But don't do anything stupid like spit too much because you are too happy. I don't want my phone broken."

He throws his phone at me, and I smile. He looks at me anxiously.

"Hey!" I say to the phone.

I can tell he is crazy to know who I'm calling and what I plan.

"I thought you gave up on me." Quinn said with an annoyed voice.

"I did. I need to speak to Rachel, but I don't have her phone."

"Why are you using Kurt's phone anyway?"

"No reason. He is helping me, since my best friend is too busy checking out the girl of her dreams."

"I am not"

"Alright, can I talk to her?"

I hear Q telling Rachel I wanted to talk to her, and the girl sounds excited.

"Rachel speaking"

"Hey, I kinda need your help. But Quinn can't hear what we are talking. So can you write down this number, and call after you kick Quinn out?"

"Although I would like to help you, I can not do what you are asking me to do. My father have taught me to be respectful to my guests. Also, I have nothing to hide, so having her leave would be unnecessary."

I roll my eyes.

"Well, if you would like to talk about your crush on Quinn while she is in your room, then go on. I don't care."

I hear a pause in the line.

"I have nothing to talk about."

"Well, I want S, and I want her today. And you are going to help me, if you want me to help you out with Q. And don't say you don't care about her, S says you were drooling on Saturday."


"But if you don't want to kick her out, tell her I invited you over, and she is not invited because she ignored me earlier on the phone."

"Fine. Which house is yours?"

"The yellow one two houses away from yours."

"Up or down the street?"


"Right side of the road or left?"



I had the only yellow house on the street. Rachel's questions were pointless. She worries too much about being right about stuff.


Now Rachel is here. Kurt is looking at her clothes as if she just murdered someone. I'm pretty sure he would have called the fashion police if he had their number.

"So Rachel, did you go to a boarding school back at home?" He asks attempting to not laugh.

"No, I went to a regular school. My fathers would never let me go to a boarding school, they are very dedicated parents." She said, looking confused at his random question.

"Can you guys focus?"

"Spit it out Britt. How I am getting Finn?"

"What is this about? I thought it was about me and Quinn."

I waited until they calmed down, they were both making a bunch of questions and I was getting confused. My brain was overwhelmed with information. When they finally shut up, I took a deep breath and explained what I was planning.

"I need Rachel to be really flirty with me tonight."

"How the hell is this helping me to get Finn? It will make him happy that he got Rachel off of Quinn's back."

"Although I think jealousy can works sometime, I don't see how this would on a way that would benefit either of us."

They didn't seem happy.

"I didn't think that far into the plan. I mean it's gonna help me, and Quinn is going to be jealous." I said with a small voice. My plan was so perfect.

"But considering she has a boyfriend, she is not doing anything about it." Rachel answered, looking very annoyed.

"You can flirt with both of us?" I ask attempting to make my plan really beneficial to all of us.

"I'm not a slut." She almost screams at me.

At that Kurt starts laughing and me and Rachel looks questionably at him.

"What is so funny, Hummel?" I said trying to copy one of S' glare. I believe it didn't work very well, because he starts to laugh even more.

"Can you act like an adult? This issue is very important, and not funny at all." Rachel says, sounding really annoyed.

He starts coughing, and both me and Rachel roll our eyes at him.

"Remember me to never ask for your help again, Mr 'expert in gay and heart'."

He stops laughing, and attempts to keep a straight face.

"Alright, sorry. It just too funny, I couldn't help. And if you were a slut, Rachel, with your clothing, you wouldn't be very successful. Only with creeps."

Rachel was fuming, and I really didn't like his commentary. He was being insensitive and annoying and I could tell he didn't like Rachel a lot. But I liked her better then him, because she liked my best friend.

"Enough Kurt. You can leave. Thanks for you help." I try to be as nice as I can, but my voice doesn't sound very happy.

He stares at me with disbelief, and looks at Rachel. He gives her a death-glare.

"Put the clothes I left at your chair. And if you ask her" he pointed to Rachel "for fashion tips, I swear I'm killing you both." He leaves with a fabulous exit, worthy of an Academy Awards performance.

"Sorry about Kurt." I look at Rachel, who doesn't look very happy.

"I thought that things would be different here. But people still make fun of me. I mean, he was dressing ridiculous stuff. Just because they are more expensive then my house doesn't give him the right to mock at my clothes."

She is looking down, and I see a tear sliding down her face. I get up from the bed and give her hug. She is a really good huger, even though she is little.

"You're a really good huger. And don't listen to what Kurt says, you are better then him."

She leave my arms and I see a smile beginning to take form.

"Thanks a lot, Britt. I'm not used to people standing up for me."

"Anytime." I smile at her, and now her smile is almost at full force.

"So, what are your intentions towards my friend. I don't want her dating a person that is not nice to her." I said, trying to improve the mood and change the subject.

"She is with Finn."


"Do you think there is any chance Finn might be really interested in Kurt?"

I laugh, and she is smiling.

We decide to walk to the restaurant together. She was ready to go, and the place was close. I'm dressing the black tank top and the dark jeans Kurt choose with red heels. Rachel said I looked hot, and that if she was not interested in Q, S would have competition. I really liked hanging out with her because she didn't know me as long as the others did, she didn't treat me like a puppy like they do.

As we are approaching the restaurant, we see Finn and Q outside. I could tell the conversation was not a happy one. Finn was almost yelling, with his arms up. Q was very red, the way she gets when she is angry at something. Or someone in that case. Me and Rachel look at each other. She is hesitant, so I pick her hand up and lead us to where they are.

"...Ignoring me does not give you the right of thinking I will be free anytime for you. Not ignoring me doesn't give you the right either."

"Well, I'm trying to make it up to you, but you are not making it easy on me."

"Look, I have plans for Saturday."

"Yeah, you and that new horny girl. She was practically humping on you last Saturday. I'm not okay with you spending time with her."

Uh oh, that was trouble. I look at Rachel and she does not look happy.

"Fuck you, Finn. You don't get to tell me who I can be friends with and who I can't. And you don't get to make assumptions on people. I thought you knew better then that."

I clear my throat so they would notice we were standing there. They both turn. Finn just looks angrier, and but Q's expression soften, and I see she realizing we had heard what Finn said. She looks at Finn then at Rachel, who is looking at the ground, with an unreadable expression on her face. Quinn is about to say something when Rachel looks up and fixes her gaze at Finn. He looks at her, and they have a silent fight. Rachel narrows her eyes. I could feel her hand trembling. Then she does the most surprising thing ever.

She smiles. Not a fake smile. One of her signature smiles. One that reaches her eyes and made her almost as beautiful as S.

"Hello, Finn, Quinn." She strengthen the hold on my hand and lead us inside the restaurant.

After a while I understood her smile. Quinn had defended her. She had won round 1.

When we walked in, I see our table in the back. We come here every Wednesday, and then we go to the park. Puck and Q bring their guitars, Finn bring his drums, and we stay there late. Which reminds me of something.

"Hey, Rach, we are going to the park later. You want to joins us? I think Artie is already coming, I forgot to invite you."

"Yeah, sounds fun." She smiles at me. She is a little bit up in the clouds.

We get to the table and greet everybody. I sit by S and Rach sits by my side.

"Had a fun afternoon?" S asks me, avoiding looking at me.

"Huh?" I wonder if Kurt told her of what we did to get back at me. Finn and Q are coming back now, both keeping distance. Neither look happy, but Q looks better then Finn. I see she looking at Rach, while Rach is talking to Artie, Tina and Mercedes about something to do with music.

"Kurt here told me you and Berry spent the afternoon together."

I could hear the jealousy in her voice. Kurt's plan is working. I look at him and he is hiding a smirk.

"Well, I wanted to welcome her into our group" I realize how bad it sounded by the look of shock from Kurt and Quinn, who are sitting across from me. Suddenly all the table is silent and everybody is staring at me. "I mean, not that way, you pervs, I wanted her to feel welcomed and I figure I would invite her over and tell her what she needed to know."

"Did you also tell her who she should stay away from?" Santana says glaring at Rach, who is doing a good job of hiding her laugh. I think Quinn notices what we're doing, and I see a little smile forming.

"Yeah, did you?" Finn says. It was really ridiculous when it came from him. Or maybe it was that when S did it, she looked so sexy, that anybody else is ridiculous in comparison.

"Yeah, I told her who was dating and who was not if that's what you're asking." I answer, looking at S.

She isn't happy with my answer. She pulls me from the table and we are standing outside, same place as Quinn and Finn were previously. As we are leaving, I see Kurt, Rachel and Quinn with encouraging smiles. I smile back. I won round 1 too!

A/N: And here's the chapter. Hope you all enjoy it. I decided to use Quinn and Brittany POV only, because I like writing from their POV. My mind hasn't decided yet how I want to end this story, but I'm working on it (that doesn't mean the fic is almost over. We still have a long way to go.) Comments make Brittany happy!

[Next Chapter]

fic: santana/brittany, fic: quinn/rachel, rating: pg13, lenght: 1000+

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