My poor, poor, little brother! I had to go home Monday afternoon because I found out that my brother had an accident on Sunday and he wanted me home! He went on a bike ride with his cub scout troop and a couple of parents (including my mom), and they were riding from our area to the beach. The bike path to the beach is really hilly because the path
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I got my hair cut yesterday. I think I chopped it all off, but everyone says I didn't. Still, for me it's short. My hair was soooooo long and now it's not :). I love it
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My weekend was absolutely perfect. The bay area was beautiful as always and it was so refreshing to be away from the drama! Too bad I came back to a whole weekend's worth when I got back. Oh well. I'm feeling pretty good. Sharon and I went to China Garden and got take out! fried rice ever
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I'm going to Nor Cal tomorrow with my family. It's my uncle's birthday and everyone is gonna be there! Actually I don't know why we're throwing him a party, he HATES birthdays! Funny Story
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You gotta love Buca di Beppo. It is sooo yummy. Nick and I had chardonnay, a prociutto and gargonzola salad, and penne al forno. It was SO GOOD. He gave me a dozen pink roses and a Spongebob balloon!!! He also got me this rain simulator that looks like raindrops falling down the glass and makes rainstorm sounds. But I haven't gotten it yet, cause
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Happy Valentine's Day everyone. You should know that I appreciate/care about/love all of you. Nick and I are going to Buca diBepo in Santa Monica this evening. Should be lots of fun! I hope your day is full of hugs and kisses!
It's kindof a dark day, and my mood definitely matches the weather. Sometimes I feel neglected, and that sucks. I haven't been able to see Nick in the past couple of days and my friends went off last night and this morning without inviting me! Kinda sucks
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Why is it so FREAKIN HOT in Wanberg? Why, why, why, why? It is February; there is no need for such heat. The sun beats through my window all day long. I pray that I live in a building or room next year where the sun will not wake me up in the morning by shining through closed blinds and I don't have to sleep with my fan on in December, January or
I don't know why I was so not stressed about the end of Jan Term yesterday. I think I was in shock -- seriously. I am freaking out. I think being on duty 4 days in a row last weekend kind of numbed me to the outside world. I have a final paper due in 3 days. I am comparing the film version of "A Farewell to Arms" to the literary version. I-have-not
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