i can't wait to see The Da Vinci Code! it has Audrey Tautou! i heart her to pieces! hopefully frankie, katrina, angel, and i will be attending the not so premiere... it would be fun to dress ala premiere style anyway
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it's not until there is a chance of something serious that i truely realize that i'm in emotional ruin. if my fears and feelings are wrong, then it's more proof that my ability to trust is shot to hell. if those fears are right, just another brick in the wall.
life is so good right now. and there are so many good people in it. why can't i feel comfortable in letting my walls down for the one who has shown me more than once that i can expect the absolute truth from? why? b/c of 4 years of thinking i could expect the absolute truth but not getting it. 4 years of blaming myself for anything that was wrong.
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My mother's elderly dalmation is missing. She was last in the area of Classic Drive near oak grove.. the road that passes by Stuckey's
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