Title: Closer than Most
Rating: M
Characters: Damon and Elena
Summary: Elena comes back to Mystic Falls after being compelled to stay away and meets the Salvatore brothers all over again.
A/N: Here is the first finished draft of Closer than Most. Let me know what you think or what you would change!
Closer than Most )
Comments 7
Hurry with more....PLEASE! I think all the fan fic writers "evil" Stefan have done a far better job than TVD script writers.. I think ripper Stefan has been beyond lame!!!! Happy Sunday.
If you don't feel comfortable to write smut, there is no need to go into detail. A hot and sexy scene may not need to give us all the detail.
I think what you put here is quite okay.
But if you want to explore smut writing or just want to know more, you may take a look at http://smut-tutorial.livejournal.com/, Carly is very good at smut writing.
I like the twist at the end.
Please update soon.
I'm glad you went with the option of Stefan compelling her. It's bittersweet to know that she finally made her choice, and that Damon has found the happiness he so deserves only to have it taken away again.
I would be interested in reading the rest of this.
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