Last night I dreamt that Chiuxiang and I were kidnapped by Korean mafias and they were shipping us off to LA. When we were at the airport, we lied to the Koreans that we were going to the toilet and ran away. We ran up a field towards some Japanese students camp and on to the roads. Then we managed hitched a ride with this Japanese guy on his cab
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70 bucks for a unused Bintan ticket, 50 bucks for 9 minutes of phone call. Total of 120 bucks for the hope that you will come. Might as well spend it on 240 lines of TOTO quickpick. At least there's a chance of winning a Group 6 combination and getting back $20.
One day when I have my own house, it will have a little garden... In this little garden, it will be where I hold my once a month BBQ session with my friends... And I will serve food like these...
Realized that I have left this place untouched for some time. My life has been revolving around work and sleep lately, with occasional drinking/movies/dinner with friends or J. So this is the life of a working adult. Being suck dry of all your energy to do anything else, except work or sleep. No wonder dad stays home all the time, now I know why
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