Title: Building A Family (Part Two)
Fandom: Real People
Characters: Keanu Reeves & Sandra Bullock
Prompt: 24. Slip
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1,622
Summary: Surprise phone call.
Author's Note: Ah, I don't know them. This is just how I think it should be.
I just love the way Keanu looks at me while he's kissing me. )
Comments 10
Aww I love it , you just made my week. This put me on the uppitty up for the rest of the week :)
Parts that I LOVED
-“Well, I’m her hus -- boyfriend.” the term sounded juvenile compared to a legal and binding husband. “Keanu Reeves?” hehe how cute
-“Well I don’t know. Because you tell me you love me, but you won’t marry me. You tell me you want a life with me, but you won’t tell me that you’re pregnant. So I have to think, maybe she really doesn’t want to be with me. Maybe she’s just putting up with this whole charade because she’s lonely and when she’s done using me, she can leave without a messy divorce.”
“I love you. What’s the problem?” I love the exchange here.. I like it when Keanu's all angry and OPEN.
-“Because it’s ours.” Sandra smiled ( ... )
Those are all great lines, and I'm so glad that you liked 'em because a couple (like the bad scripts line) I struggled with whether they would fit in the story or not.
Yes, there is a third part and possibly a fourth, I'm not too sure yet.
Good to see you back in the saddle, Katie.
I especially loved Keanu in this. You just got him down pat - not that I can really say, having never met the guy - but it was just so him, for want of a better word. "Keanu thought she was a very problematic teacher" made me laugh. A lot.
Fabulous work once more, girl. :)
Thank you!!
And I really love your banner. Not only because the kids are so adorable, but also because Keanu & Sandy look like a perfect couple.
Looking forward the part three! Thanks katie!
Thank you; I searched for the perfect picture of them to use! I felt like a casting director with the kids because I was like, 'Kamea is adopted! She has to have blonde hair!'
Thank you for the awesome comment! :D
that was bloody fantastic!!! They are aboslutely the cutest couple! Can't wait for the other part!
Thanks mucho Katie for the update, I was missing the Keandra fanfic so much! :D
Thanks. :D
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