pcousin=pseudo-cousin. The "p" is silent as in pthisis, psychic, and ptarmigan. The pcousins in question are the daughters of a college friend so close as to be family. So hard to have words that mean kith that are as kin.
You likely met her when she was new but probably haven't seen her since she was 3 when we left Boston. And she's changed some since then.
But your kids are still little! Wolf cannot be 14 because that would make Jazz 16 (?). And Jazz is still so little he can be held on my hip...('spect not).
I'm so relieved to hear that there will be still moments of little-ness even at 14. I see some girls that age and wonder if they were ever little or whether 14 is the new 18.
Sorry we don't see you more often. We're rather reluctant travelers, esp. since E. works on Saturdays so there's no weekend. I enjoy reading about you all though.
Comments 7
But I have one curious question... what is a pcousin? Paternal? Psuedo? Play?
Thanks for the congrats. She's a great kid. IMHO.
By the way, Wolf @ 14 is still in limbo-land between 'I am a grownup' and 'I am a little girl'. Enjoy the duality while it lasts!
But your kids are still little! Wolf cannot be 14 because that would make Jazz 16 (?). And Jazz is still so little he can be held on my hip...('spect not).
I'm so relieved to hear that there will be still moments of little-ness even at 14. I see some girls that age and wonder if they were ever little or whether 14 is the new 18.
Sorry we don't see you more often. We're rather reluctant travelers, esp. since E. works on Saturdays so there's no weekend. I enjoy reading about you all though.
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