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>> Act 4: Flight of the Paradox Clones
Part 2: Memories of the Present
Link back to comic: Page 1407
[S] Rose enters the Medium.
Meanwhile, 413 years in the future!
An Aimless Renegade tries to find a suitable gift for the beautiful lady with the fair carapace.
She, meanwhile, is exploring WV's capsule! The third room was blown open by one of AR's rockets.
You have no idea what this thing is, and the remaining power is too low to find out.
But here! Here is the John boy. He is still alive.
You encourage PM to say something to him.
But she's more interested in the strange pantheon of planets you've drawn on the wall.
Once WV leaves to get more food, though, PM figures that a little can't hurt...
Remote narrator connected.
>It's nice to meet you, John.
>Can you find a good place to keep lookout?
>Have a look around, Rose.
TG: this is the worst shitting thing ive ever seen
TG: the thing that just happened
GG: hi dave!!!!
TG: let me be perfectly clear
TG: what i am trying to say is
TG: its like fucking christmas up in my bladder here
TG: and where do i find my toilet
TG: oh look here it is
TG: amputated in my room
TG: gagged with a towel like a fucking prison hostage
TG: and now the cruxploder is counting down
TG: 4 hours oh i guess thats not that bad
GG: 4 hours until what?
TG: oh god
TG: are you asleep
GG: i................
GG: i think i might be!
GG: oh nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
GG: :(
GG: dave
TG: what
GG: dave this poor bird
TG: what bird
GG: the one with the sword through it!!!
TG: i wouldnt know anything about that
TG: that could be anyones sword
GG: :|
TG: is it a cheap piece of shit
TG: cause i only bother with high quality blades
TG: forged by stoic asian masters
GG: i am going to help the poor bird
TG: wait
TG: what do you mean
TG: dammit hold on a minute
This is definitely a good idea.
TG: we need to wake you up
TG: youre not very logical like this
TG: kind of dumb really
GG: well you are out of luck.....
GG: i will wake up when im good and ready!
TG: where are you sitting
TG: are you on your bed
GG: yes why
TG: what side
GG: ummmmmm....
GG: the right side...
GG: why??
TG: ok heres what i want you to do
TG: just humor me
TG: just kind of swat the air to your left
GG: ...
A memory stirs.
It's hard to remember from so long ago...
You are now Authority Regulator, somebody who has never heard the name 'Aimless Renegade'.
Look at this insanely illegally parked vehicle.
And to make matters worse, it's full of unauthorized parcels!
You'll have to take these into custody.
Watching from a safe placeis a Parcel Mistress from the opposing kingdom.
She has never heard the name 'Peregrine Mendicant'.
You'll have to get that package from the enemy Regulator somehow.
It's mail.
These enemies are much harder to kill than you were counting on!
But then!
Supporting fire from a mysterious benefactor.
The enemies are defeated. But where did that shot come from?
NEXT CHAPTER: More trolls!
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