Let's Play Homestuck

Dec 23, 2011 11:50

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Act 5 Act 2: He Is Already Here.

Part 21: The Code

Link back to comic: Page 3546

Characters Jack Has Killed
Black Queen, Black King, Everyone on Prospit, Jade, Everyone on Prospit again, all the trolls, Bro, John, John's Dad, Rose's Mom

You have just murdered an innocent family.

You immediately begin accessorizing with glorious trophies.

WAIT A MINUTE, THIS IS STUPID. You'll hold on to Lil' Cal, though.

God, you are so bored.

The only cure for your boredom is more senseless killing! Unfortunately, your attempts to think murderous thoughts are derailed by a storm of canine thoughts instead.

God, you hate sharing an existence with this goddamn dog. What the fuck are these feelings? Loyalty? Love?!

It must me love. Nothing else could make you feel so utterly disgusted with yourself.

That was why you couldn't do it.

You could not kill the girl.

You call the Draconian Dignitary, because if you can't kill the girl, SOMEONE sure has to. He's too busy for this shit, and suggests sending the Courtyard Droll after her.

The same Courtyard Droll who hasn't been able to accomplish one stupidly simple task this whole time? Fine, whatever, who cares. Sic the Droll on her.

Much later, you are locked in a statis field by the Maid of Time. This is pointless, because she can't do anything without letting you go, at which point you'll kill her instantly.

There we g--


You're done with dying.

Soon, friends will arrive. They will need your help.

A Dream Bubble is passing by. Whose memory is this? It looks like... yours.

No, not yours.


In the past!

That meteor impact sounded like an adventure waiting to happen.

Let's investigate.


The alien puppet seems to have a Wallet Modus on it. Anything good in here?

apocalypseArisen [AA] began trolling twinArmageddons [TA]

AA: s0llux!
AA: y0u will never guess what i just f0und

TA: wa2 iit the matchiing ruiin2 2iite?

AA: h0w did y0u kn0w!

TA: ii feel liike we had thii2 conver2atiion before and that'2 what iit wa2 about.
TA: why don't we pretend there ii2 no 2pooky paranormal phenomena goiing on ju2t once and talk about what you wanted two talk about.

AA: 0k d0 y0u remember what we talked ab0ut regarding kanayas ruins?
AA: well y0u said that y0ud need an0ther set 0f glyphs t0 make sense 0f them
AA: y0u speculated that there might be an0ther set 0f ruins
AA: y0u even guessed they w0uld be blue! it turns 0ut y0u were right
AA: d0nt y0u think that is pretty c00l?

TA: oh yeah, ii am awe2ome about that for 2ure.
TA: but,
TA: ii can't 2hake the feeliing the2e ruiin2 are goiing two be nothiing but trouble for u2.

AA: i did find s0me 0ther neat things d0wn here t00 which are strange but quite harmless and n0t f0reb0ding in the least!
AA: like this AMAZING hat!
AA: there are n0 h0rn h0les but i l0ve it anyway its great

TA: hey diidn't you al2o fiind 2ome biit2 and piiece2 of your biizarre robot doppelganger.

AA: damn it h0w did y0u kn0w

TA: ii don't know, ii ju2t "remembered" 2ome more 2hiit about thii2 dii2covery, god 2orry.
TA: why don't we piick thii2 up agaiin later when we're not feeliing 2o weiird?

apocalypseArisen [AA] began trolling twinArmageddons [TA] and apocalypseArisen [AA]

AA: sorry to interrupt i wanted to give you both the chance to remember but it doesnt look like this is going anywhere!

TA: what the fuck?

AA: w0w what

AA: is it coming back yet

TA: is WHAT c0ming back, wh0 ARE y0u?
TA: wh0a h0ld 0n.
TA: why am i talking like y0u suddenly?

AA: this is a mem0ry
AA: in a dream bubble
AA: y0u changed y0ur v0ice because y0u remembered

AA: thats right!

TA: remembered what?

AA: that i died
AA: this is my mem0ry and als0 hers
AA: but i went 0n t0 bec0me the r0b0t wh0se remains are in this crater
AA: whereas she did n0t

TA: well, shit.
TA: s0 then i guess i'm dead t00?

AA: nope!
AA: you are just asleep
AA: you are also blind!
AA: you knew this was going to happen! your prophecies of personal doom were practically all you ever talked about
AA: i think you were looking forward to this honestly

AA: shes right

TA: i can't believe this, it's alm0st as if i'm getting...
TA: that didn't feel right at all, i think i might have t0 retire the wh0le bifurcati0n gimmick, puns and all.
TA: actually that is kind 0f a relief, maybe y0u're right, i'm feeling better ab0ut this already.
TA: 0_0
TA: FUCK, i cann0t BELIEVE i just made that face.

AA: hahahahaha!

AA: hahahahaha!

TA: hey what was that n0ise?
TA: i think s0me0ne else is here.

AA: oh its jade!

AA: whos jade

GG: ummmmmm hey guys i hope im not interrupting!!!

TA: well, yeah, y0u kind 0f were, s0rt 0f a reuni0n 0f cl0se departed friends g0ing 0n here, but n0 big deal i guess.

GG: oh no!
GG: i can leave

AA: no dont!
AA: sollux try to be polite
AA: jade is very nice and she did nothing wrong

AA: what actually happened after i died it sounds complicated
AA: i think one aradia saying things is more than enough probably

GG: its ok! i can take another nap later when you guys arent busy...

AA: please stay! im curious about why you are here

GG: each time i go to sleep i meet more new people and learn so much
GG: its been fun, i should really thank feferi again for setting it up so we could meet like this!

TA: wait, ff is here?
TA: 0h g0d, why didn't that 0ccur t0 me, where is she??

AA: navigating between bubbles is difficult here
AA: its better to drift between them naturally as they intersect
AA: not spatially but through common points in memory
AA: have you seen me here before? i mean me dressed like i am now wearing my godhood

TA: wait, what, y0u're wearing a g0dh00d?
TA: why didn't y0u tell me that, what gives? 0r that y0u came back t0 life??
TA: man, being blind is dumb, can i like gr0pe y0u 0r s0mething t0 get up t0 date 0n y0ur appearance, w0uld that be weird?

AA: yes sollux that would probably be pretty weird

TA: aa c0me 0n y0u were making a p0int.

AA: yes ok
AA: you see those encounters you had with me before have not happened for me yet because ive only just arrived
AA: time follows strange paths here as does space
AA: if you travel a great enough distance you may discover you are also traveling either backwards or forwards in time as well!
AA: just as if you stay in one place for too long the geometry of space surrounding you will become unreliable
AA: i knew that the first bubble i would enter would be an important one for us to visit
AA: it is important because it will help us begin to understand why we are all here

TA: what d0 y0u mean why we are all here?
TA: y0u mean in the afterlife? that's easy.
TA: because she's asleep, she's dead, y0u're alive, and i'm blind, c0uldn't be simpler.

AA: not why we are in this bubble now
AA: but why we all exist in the first place and why we all went on this adventure together
AA: watching will help those whove passed to understand the purpose of their sacrifice and those still living to understand what must be done to complete the journey still ahead
AA: we will let the memories lead the way

AA: hey kanaya
AA: there is s0mething i want t0 give y0u
AA: yes its s0mething very 0dd i f0und when i disc0vered the ruins the 0ther night

GA: This Is A Dream Isnt It

AA: o_o
AA: you figured that out very fast!

GA: Either Im Sleeping Or Im Dead Which Is It

AA: you are unconscious now and will likely wake up as your new self very soon
AA: you are undergoing a metamorphosis which you have been groomed for since you were very young

GA: What Do You Mean We Have Been Groomed

AA: if you will oblige us by continuing with this memory

GA: This Was When You Were About To Give Me That Unusual Gift From The Ruins

AA: i then had sollux deliver the pieces to you so you could stitch it back up
AA: sollux that is your cue!

TA: 0k s0 i'm supp0sed t0 act 0ut what i did bef0re, when i br0ught her these shitty d0ll parts, is that's what's g0ing 0n here?

GA: Yeah Im Still Not Sure Aradia Are We Supposed To Be Role Playing

AA: no guys come on this isnt that complicated!
AA: we are just revisiting the past just like we would if we were talking about it
AA: but it just so happens we can watch it happen as we talk about it

TA: thith ith kinb 0f thtupib.
TA: why the fuckth ith by b0uth fthull 0f all thethe theeth subbenly?

AA: i dont know o_o
AA: but you maaay be waking up soon

GG: hi kanaya! it is nice to meet you
GG: you told me all about what happened after you woke up!
GG: about how you turned into a vampire

GA: Whats A Vampire

AA: kanaya tell us what happened next!

GA: I Repaired The Doll And Made Him A Nice Outfit
GA: With A Far More Becoming Palette And Fit Than The Absurd Tatters He Was Found In
GA: Anyway That Is All I Can Remember
GA: I Quickly Began To Find The Doll Unnerving So I Put Him Away

GG: guys why do you have daves puppet?
GG: what is going on here!

AA: the separate tunnels we once traveled in the dark as individuals we now retrace together with a torch
AA: on the walls we illuminate the runes which describe a convoluted origin story
AA: an origin we participated in
AA: we were spurred to these actions by that which was being originated
AA: and incited to acts of revenge as we were turned against each other


AA: we will leave it soon
AA: but you were doing something very important here


AA: writing a part of the code

AA: an incomplete fragment consisting of four symbols
AA: comprising the first word of a binary refrain
AA: but you authored only one sound of the pair

AA: i would write the other
AA: in the soot of my ruined hive i scrawled my part of the code
AA: completing the phrase of legend
AA: but even these eight characters
AA: were still but half the code

AA: there was another half by scourge in two parts
AA: one part three symbols

AA: and the other
AA: five

AA: there was another fragment

AA: oh?

AA: an additional eight symbols

AA: it came from a timeline not meant to happen
AA: the one i came from to ensure it wouldnt
AA: thus sealing my fate
AA: i believed the fragment was gibberish from a lunatic
AA: since it was not part of the scripted chronology i was oblivious until it was too late to stop it

AA: i decided to return to the alpha timeline with the text
AA: as evidence for his madness i guess
AA: and later joined the rest of our doomed selves to help defeat the king
AA: the others surely had similar responsibilities along the way
AA: as for the book
AA: i lost track of it shortly after i arrived

AA: yes we all lost track of our books
AA: they were gathered surreptitiously by agents assigned to the task

AA: and in the veil their codes were merged with the ghost imprints of other mysterious artifacts

AA: our first guardian was brought to life on the seed to pass through skaias final gate of defense
AA: the first to find alternia

NEXT CHAPTER: Doc Scratch.

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let's play homestuck

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