Nov 25, 2011 00:07
I'm back baby. After a rather long siesta, I have decided to try and use this again. I didn't realise big a part of my life this place was!
Jun 29, 2010 19:36
three years later, yes some times have been shitty but i still feel smitten like i did on day one.
Jun 08, 2010 22:41
I honestly don't have anyone to talk to about things anymore when they go wrong.
Apr 28, 2010 10:24
SO fucking pissed. Honestly I haven't been this angry in a long time.
And i am smoking far too much its awful but I can't keep track of it cause my fucking boyfriend smokes all MY cigarettes. I am not made of money
Apr 03, 2010 00:47
It's my 3 year anniversary with matt today, and all he can do since it turned 12am is shout at me telling me to stop swearing infront of 'company' and I need to be more polite i.e Middle class, then when I gave him his card called me a bit cheap because I gave it to him before he could buy me one.
What the fuck?
Mar 13, 2010 00:26
I feel really crap at the moment. Utterly crap.
Mar 04, 2010 22:18
Note to self, stop talking.
Seriously, sometimes I must be so fucking irritating. I guess I have no steam at the moment.
Feb 09, 2010 11:51
It's always fucking me isnt it. I'm always the one moaning at you, fuck sake. I put up with hundreds of your pish and cause i wake up in a bad mood one morning you feel the need to ignore me for the rest of the day and be a huffy bitch.
Wake up call sweetheart, You are the one with the problem not me.