The Complete Works of Yours Truly
My apologies for the mess.
At this current time there are fics not to be found here which can be found on
my AO3 account. And further drabbles that can be found neither here nor there, but which hide in the back rooms of my
fic tumblr. I'm afraid they will probably live out the rest of their existences on tumblr, because they were written with the tumblr format specifically in mind. (By which I mean lethargically, and with a complete disregard for art, the english language, and 2000 years of fine literary tradition.)
I promise to be an adult about all of this someday.
Regarding Nietzsche was a Fucking Poet: this story can no longer be found in any of the above places because I'm rewriting it (and finishing it) for this years DCBB.
gen, character studies:
This Many: (PG. Dean, Cas, Jesus) An angel’s education on very small things through friends and whisky.
If Everyone's Alone (Then We're All Alone Together) : (PG. Dean, Cas, Chuck) It's not about forgiveness. It's about the human things.
Comet: (PG. Jimmy Novak, Castiel) Jimmy knew the man was a ghost because he looked like one; sad and angry. He looked like a guy who knew about being dead.
In a Minute There is Time: (PG. Cas, Dean, Sam) His mind was made up days before Van Nuys.
Seven Songs for Something Like Salvation: (PG,Cas, Dean, Sam) POEM (I bad.) He can remember carrying the weight of Dean's damned rock and roll.
Death is a Bitch (and so am I): (R; femme Dean) The story is always different if you're a woman.
Three (A morning's blah-de-blah): (PG; meta) How shall the future remember them?
Urban Legend: (PG) There are many versions of the Winchester Legend.
Gradient: (PG 13. Dean, Cas) In which a man is put back together and an angel is undone.
inbetween verse: Chuck travels the world and writes a little bit of peace for Sam, Cas and Dean.
Three Postcards Written in Farmington, New Hampshire: (PG. Dean, Cas, Chuck)
Three Postcards Written in Oneida, Kentucky: (PG 13, Dean, Cas, Chuck, Sam, Bobby)
Three Postcards Written in Castle Rock, Washington: (PG, Dean, Cas, Chuck, Balthazar)
Two Postcards Written in Snowflake, Arizona: (PG 13, Dean, Cas, Chuck.)
Eight Post-It Notes Written in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: (PG: Chuck, Sam, Dean, Cas)
And Epilogue About a Prologue Written in (not that it matters) Twin City, Georgia: Slash Dean/Cas (PG 13: Dean, Cas, Sam.)
Light of the Body: (PG 13, Cas, Leviathan) He was the mind that beheld the sapphires.
God was a Fan of Douglas Adams: (PG 13) ...and a shipper.
To Err is Human: (PG) Castiel has an enlightening conversation with the devil.
slash (Dean/Cas):
Dog Shit, Traps, Trouble and Other Inconvenient Things to Fall Into: (PG 13. Dean, Cas) There's an argument in here somewhere for Castiel's skill of inconvenient timing.
Accidentally Like a Martyr (Part I) : (PG 13. futureDean, futureCas, futureChuck, LuciferSam) Where Cas fails at being human, fails at philosophy, and just generally misinterprets his own bullshit.
Accidentally Like a Martyr (Part II) And the Angel said: "Fuck it." And All the Bullshit of Heaven Could Not Convince him Otherwise : (PG 13. Cas, some meanass angels, Dean.) A more detailed account of how (and why) Heaven failed to rehabilitated Cas. Hint: it was Dean's fault.
The Winchester Revision: (NC 17, everybody more or less) Written for the D/C 2011 Big Bang. Where Chuck tries to revise the canon and learns the truth about fairytales. A story within a story, with the second being about Dean and Sam and Cas living a life where the only monsters are University politics and the demons are metaphorical. (Available
Here in PDF.)
A Phone Call from Purgatory: (PG 13) In the aftermath of the Leviathan, a retired prophet gets a phone call from a dead angel.
Respite: (G) Castiel has brought them here because he knows Dean is tired.
The Sleep of Reason: (R) "I am God now, and there are no more accidents." -The Last Book of Castiel, 1:9
Sherlock (BBC)
Quod Erat Demonstrandum: (PG. Sherlock, John) John is tired of being the moral compass.
A Tautology of Little Brothers : (PG 13. Mycroft, John) A little brother, in and of himself.
Empty House: A Fable by John Watson: (PG 13. UNFINISHED.) The Return of Sherlock Holmes told through fairy tales. Only not. Because like a complete wanker I started an experiment doomed to failure and never finished it. Apologies.
Nearly: (PG. Sherlock, John) It wasn't a kiss. It was CPR.
slash: (Sherlock/Jonn)
Two Better Men : (R. John. Sherlock. Lestrade) Sherlock was an addict and John had a temper, they were two men who required a lot of forgiving. But those are just the facts. They were also like storybook characters.
Prelude to a Greater Fall : (PG 13. John. Sherlock) John Watson tells a lie, believable because all the rest is true:
A Good Man (Part I) : (PG 13. Sherlock, John, Lestrade, Mycroft) Sherlock finally has that breakdown everyone has been expecting.
A Good Man (Part II) Other People (Part I): (NC-17) Return fic. It's a long road from the afterlife back to John Watson.
(Part II) Babel: (PG 13) One week after loosing his best friend, John Watson lost his words.
The Confinement of the Monster Loki: (PG 13) ...and the liberation of the God of Lies.