Title: Legend (2/2)
Fandom: Alexander the Great
Pairing: Alexander/Hephaistion
Rating: R? maybe
Summary: Near the end of the summer at Ekbatana, Alexander and Hephaistion attempt to close the rift that has opened between them. Follows
Alone, aka the bitchslap!fic, so might help to read that first.
semyaza. Thank you so much for your support all
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Comments 87
Very well done. I loved it, as I love every other Alexander piece you've written.
aaand my comment got too long. thank you so much for reading and commenting! i'm so glad you've enjoyed these, it means a lot to me.
tis strange, being jealous of alex the great :-)
good stuff, doll.
Loved it, in a nutshell.
And believe me, it couldn't have been any better...
You picked the thread exactly from where you left it with "alone", and added a new emotional dimension to it...
The way Hephaistion struggles with himself, with his wounded pride, and at the same time the way his love for Alexander doesn't allow him to stay away from him...
The way Alexander talks to him, with all his heart and soul...you really made clear he would be lost without Hephaistion...And this line: "That means nothing if you are not by me. They must have us both, or neither" it's just so beautiful...and so true.
Thank you for writing it...
p.s. And yes, Hephaistion cries, God bless him for that...^_-
whoa, you make me so happy...^^
And of course you didn't disappont me...You should have seen my face when I saw there was your story on my friends list...I must have looked like an idiot, and even more idiot when I finished the reading, such bliss was painted on my face...^^
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