Title: Legend (2/2)
Fandom: Alexander the Great
Pairing: Alexander/Hephaistion
Rating: R? maybe
Summary: Near the end of the summer at Ekbatana, Alexander and Hephaistion attempt to close the rift that has opened between them. Follows
Alone, aka the bitchslap!fic, so might help to read that first.
semyaza. Thank you so much for your support all
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Comments 87
You seem not to think so, but you are absolutely an outstanding author, m'dear. I can't wait to see more of the H/A/B *hugs*
i'm so glad you enjoyed this story. thank you for reading and commenting, your feedback always means a lot to me :)
I actually DID read TPB first, but in crazy Tricky fashion, fell in love with Hephaistion by the end of the book. (Not to say I don't have fond feelings for Bagoas, but how can you deny the obvious love Heph has for Alex, even through jealous eyes?) I was devistated by his death and Alexanders reaction to it. I waited for a very long time before reading FFH because I didn't want my view of Hephaistion and Alexanders relationship "spoiled" by what she'd actually written. (Silly, but true)
Thank you so much for writing this out. Evesdropping as I am, I appreciated reading this.
Oh, how I love you for this! I don't know if I would have loved Heph so much if I'd read TPB first. Although the end of TPB really is devastating, from Hephaistion's to Alexander's death. I ususally have to call a friend at some outrageous hour after reading that part because I'm so upset! I'm not sure how I'll handle the movie. Best bring tissues!
I waited for a very long time before reading FFH because I didn't want my view of Hephaistion and Alexanders relationship "spoiled" by what she'd actually written. (Silly, but true)
No, that makes total sense to me. It's what often keeps me from watching filmed adaptations of books I love because I don't want them messing with the lovely things in my head!
Love your icon, btw. One of my very favorite movies.
"I am nothing without you."
"You are everything to everybody."
"That means nothing if you are not by me. They must have us both, or neither."
His solitude always overcame him more quickly than did his fatigue, however, and so tonight he had chosen riding, which would at least afford him the company of his horse.
I still haven't read Renault, but will keep your stories handy to fill in the missing scenes when I do!
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