Went to Gurlesque on Sat at the Marquee with Miss N and had a great time. It's hard to put into words a description of the performances as the words just wouldnt do it credit.
Well worth going to.. Next Gurlesque is on 5th March at the Marquee (And if I'm lucky, I'll be a cage dancer at the next one)
Another week goes by and I'm still looking for a job...Words that come to mind in relation to this - frustation, boredom, rejection, anticipation, borderline psychosis(ok, thats a bit of an exaggeration
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Yes, I have been slack of late .... I havent updated my journal or responded to anyone since I finished up with the CBA last week (partly due to reduced access to the net). I do apologise to those to whom I have not responded. Last week was ratehr hectic what with trying to look for a new job, and helping friends move house among other things...
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Today is my last day of working for the CBA (Yeah!) While I will miss some of the people I worked with, I will be more than happy to walk out of this building for the last time. Looking forward to the next phase.. and whatever it brings