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Comments 17

phelan_kell April 7 2005, 06:29:06 UTC
in a weird way i thought it was quite sweet...
perhaps if she wasn't gorgeous I would think differently. :P


psycho_sis April 8 2005, 00:59:20 UTC
haha, I was actually thinking that- she did seem too good looking to do someting so friggen WEIRD.
I guess it's sweet... except, um, really, it was freaky. the description of how they couldn't bite all the way through?
also, I happen to like my fourth finger, quite a bit in fact.


bethestage42 April 7 2005, 06:53:21 UTC
That was...wow...really quite twisted. I'll take a ring over a finger any day....and it just made me think of Elijah Wood...ew...

And I was SO disappointed I didn't get ID'd at Sin City...just once I'd like to be!


psycho_sis April 8 2005, 01:00:45 UTC
It totally made me think of Elijah wood too! aaaaaaaaaah.
Someone who understands me about the ID-ing thing, YES. I'd like to just once too- espectially since I have an other lifetime until I'm actually *legal* legal.


psycho_sis April 8 2005, 01:09:41 UTC
and, futhermore, as i realized from commenting to sarah, Elijah wood was also in lord of the rings where he got his finger bitten off... coincidence? I think NOT.
... hmmm.


19521192114 April 7 2005, 19:21:34 UTC
we need yo goto inside deep throat to get IDed.
man I'm getting shivers just from wat you told me.


psycho_sis April 8 2005, 01:02:08 UTC

They ID everyone for that movie? sounds promising...


truthisopinion April 7 2005, 19:54:52 UTC
Eww. I think that would give me nightmares, if I dreamed.

I want to be ID'd anywhere. Well, once I turn 19. ... ;)


psycho_sis April 8 2005, 01:01:35 UTC
Yeah, but when you turn 19 it will probably just be annoying, because everywhere you go you'll be ID'd. This time it would just be fun, because its just the once.
I'm with you about the nightmere thing.


tinycow April 7 2005, 20:47:25 UTC
ewww...why would you want a finger? rings are soo much nicer...especially when you already have 10 of your own...well I guess in their case, 9 now. Where did you find that?!

I've never been IDd...maybe if I go to the Beer Garden at school today I might :O haha but I doubt it cuz its college

I wanna see Sin City...is it worth going to?


psycho_sis April 8 2005, 01:04:11 UTC
My stupid little brother made me look at it, with NO WARNING about the gross out factor.
Rings ARE much nicer.
You turned 19, right? There are posters all over about the beer garden- which I just stare wishfully at. :(

I'd say it is worth going to. very intense, so worth seeing on the big screen. Just because everyone is talking about it, its worth seeing what the fuss is about, but I don't think it was the best movie i'd ever seen, or anything like that.


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