Jun 05, 2006 18:43
I got a letter from Meredith today!
And I may or may not have joined a dodgeball team.
May 24, 2006 01:12
I looked at the calander today, and godFUCKINGdamn, have I got skill. It's funny, but not funny haHA.
My aunt gets out of the hospital/care facility on Thursday! Which means, through some zagged trickle down effect, I get the house to myself this weekend?? Or rather, I think that's what it means.
May 16, 2006 01:16
Classes at HFCC are as bad as they are reputed to be.
Five out of the past eight days have been spent unpacking and cleaning in my room alone.
Paula won't acknowledge my e-mails about starting work this week.
This is my summer so far.
It's mediocre, but at least everything's alphabatized ... right?
May 11, 2006 15:06
Library. Library. Library. Library.
Lunch. Lunch. Lunch. Lunch.
Nap? Nap? Nap? Nap?
May 08, 2006 16:40
This is my official notice of return. Hi, I'm home.
I'm-a gonna go make a sandwich. We should hang out.
May 02, 2006 23:37
Wikipedia's summary of the objective of Cricket includes the phrase "complex mathematical formulas" which leads me to believe that all things English and (possibly Indian) are nothing but intricate bits to an elaborate hoax.
I get to start packing tomorrow, and I'll be home on Sunday.
This is not my history final.
Apr 21, 2006 20:17
Would you still be my friend if I tattooed a whisk on my ankle?
Apr 19, 2006 17:52
Ker-Plunk, bubbles, cake, and a box of cheap wine make for an excellent introduction to your third decade.
Apr 16, 2006 17:37
Today is Sunday, but then so was Thursday. Wednesday will probably be Sunday too.
What an odd week.
Apr 11, 2006 15:10
My aunt is in the hospital.