Now THIS was what the premier was leading up to! I like that this episode added complexity to the situation, and some great action - and the brothers FINALLY seeing each other again!
Castiel - Let's be frank: his entire plotline this episode was an excuse to delay him from meeting Sam and Dean. Not how I would have liked it to go, but that's that. I like how they are highlighting how different Castiel is from a few years ago, and how different he is from the other angels, and I hope they continue that aspect of his character arch. But seriously Cas - you trust Hannah to drive you on an urgent SOS to Sam and Dean, and she takes a side trip to do something against your morals behind your back? TIME TO DITCH HANNAH! I suspect that Castiel's remaining real Grace will come into play again at some point (hopefully to save him and restore wings/normal access to Heaven), but please don't let Metatron get loose again! [Spoiler (click to open)]Promotional photos for Episode 3 show Castiel with Sam at the Bunker (hopefully while Dean is still there)! This makes me happier than words can express! Really hoping to see a Castiel and Demon Dean verbal confrontation like they started to do with Sammy this episode.
Crowley -Usually Crowley isn't one to let his emotions cloud his judgement, but here he let his longing to be Dean's "bestie" prevent him from seeing what was a very obvious Dean response to the crossroads deal hired hitman situation. I'd feel sorry for the douchebag if the entire situation wasn't his own fault. Still, way to kick Dean right in the abandonment issues at the end there. Shame on you Crowley!
Sam - Except for the (cringeworthy) rookie mistake of letting Cole follow Sam right to Dean, I loved Sam in this episode again. He is definitely the most sympathetic character so far this season, helped by Jared Padalecki's downright heartbreaking performance. His overwhelming emotional strength and love for his brother, regardless of whatever Dean has said or done, really shines through. Once again, a very chilling end as Sam realizes just how fargone this version of Dean is - the Impala is just a car, and he relishes the thought of torturing poor Sammy. I[Spoiler (click to open)]n the preview released back at comic con where Dean tries to kill Sam, I've always wondered just how hard Dean was trying. I suspect even more now, after this episode's ending, that Dean might be trying to break Sam by forcing him to cut his own brother (which wouldn't kill Dean anyways). A quick death is too kind for this version of Dean to dish out.
Dean - Throughout the whole Cole flashback, instead of being drawn in to Cole's plight, I was too busy wondering if 2003 Dean was going to be a different actor like Brock Kelly (who played him in After School Special and would be about the right age) or if they were going to still use Jensen Ackles - only to squee with excitement when I saw what a great job at making Jensen Ackles look 24 again!
As I mentioned in the Crowley section, Dean's reaction to the hired hit situation was totally in character, and Crowley should have seen it coming. I really like how they are going for a layered Demon Dean approach rather than straight up evil (some parallels with my own take on him), and I'm excited to see how that is going to develop. Watching how easily he took down Cole was hilarious (he probably could have done it with his eyes closed even when he was human).
I'm even more excited for episode 3 than I was for the season premier (which is saying something), and looking forward to seeing Jensen Ackles direct such a challenging episode!
Comments loved! (Whether you agree or disagree, friendly dialogue is welcome)