Part 3 of the character arcs of Supernatural season 10 series. As before, anything referencing spoilers for upcoming episodes will be under a spoiler cut.
First, let me get my one real gripe out of the way: this should have at least been episode 4 or 5, not episode 3. While I realize that the Mark of Cain / Demon Dean story arc will not be really over until the Mark is removed, Dean's (first?) time as a full-on demon deserved a longer and more developed story arc. Hell, the fans have been screaming for it all summer long, downright begging for lots of time with Demon Dean. One recurring valid criticism of Supernatural is that it doesn't always do justice to some of the major story lines that it comes up with. I'd hoped that they'd learned their lesson after wrapping up Godstiel too quickly and unsatisfactorily. I'm sad to see that they didn't. As nice as it will be to see Sam and Dean start to find their way back together after over half a season of being estranged, it could have been delayed another episode or two so that we could have more Reichenbach-style Demon Dean. He needed to be developed more as a character and as a valid threat. As is, Demon Dean was a problem only because Sam and Cas missed the real Dean, and Crowley was annoyed at failing to manipulate Dean any longer.
Moving on.
Crowley -THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU for being the only one willing to do what needed to be done and forcing Cas to take a new Grace! Sure, it was a very practical way to deal with Demon Dean (although I don't believe for a second that Crowley doesn't care what happens to Dean), but the situation is more complicated than that. Castiel, like Sam, holds a place in Dean's heart like the one that Crowley covets. Crowley spent months doing everything he could to become Dean's "bestie" and failed. But instead of letting his jealousy for Castiel get in the way, he chooses to let Cas and Dean go back to having what Crowley can never have with Dean. That's pretty amazing, coming from Crowley. He's probably still more human than he'd ever want to admit. But now poor Crowley is back to ruling Hell all alone (although he seriously needs to learn to delegate more). This void in his life is just screaming to be filled - possibly by the newest redhead to enter the scene? We'll see! (Not sure if Human Dean will be extending any olive branches to Crowley due to their brief bromance, or if he'll be too pissed about Crowley (intentionally?) turning him into a demon.)
Castiel - FINALLY (at least briefly) reunites with the Winchesters! I'm very glad that Cas wasn't too stubborn to accept the grace that Crowley gave him. Knowing him though, he didn't let his life be saved for his own sake, but for the sake of the Winchesters and everyone else he wants to save. His new grace was quickly put to the test when he had to use his powers to restrain Dean in a very poignant moment. Cas' eyes only glow like that when he is really taxing his grace, and had Cas still had his wings, we probably would have seen their shadows again. It was very beautifully shot, and seeing both of their eyes blue and black like that was very powerful imagery. Later, during Castiel's commentary about the emotional capacity of demons vs humans, I wondered if Castiel's ability to feel things like joy was different during his time as a human vs when he returned to being an angel. Unfortunately, we really haven't gotten to explore much of Castiel's emotions during the past few episodes, even though he should be just as torn up about it as Sam. We jumped from Cas bemoaning how Dean had just disappeared on them, to Cas thinking that in a worst case scenario they would have to kill Dean - something that Cas previously couldn't do even if it meant losing his entire angel army and risking the fate of Heaven and Earth. There really needed to be more of a transition there, and more angst. That would have been a lot more meaningful than the majority of the stuff Castiel has been stuck doing so far this season. But that and the fact that Cas never even got a conversation with Demon Dean is not looking good for any hopes of exploring their Profound Bond this season. If Demon Dean had said nasty things to Cas, it might have forced them to later address issues between them that human Dean rarely brings up (ie. how Cas always leaves, etc.) Speaking of, when Dean tells Cas "I'm glad you're here" that was NOT Cas' cue to leave!
Sam - So after the big reveal of what Sam did when looking for Dean . . . . yeah, Sam is still a hero in my book, not a monster. It was nothing Dean wouldn't have done if the situation was reversed, so Human Dean would be a major hypocrite if he continues to hold this against Sam. Sam continues to be the emotional centerpiece of the season with another heartbreaking performance by Jared Padalecki. You can't help but feel his pain as he realizes that he might be killing his brother (or be killed by his brother), and during each of the bulls eye-perfect emotional barbs that Demon Dean keeps throwing at him. I really hope they address all that in future episodes. Meanwhile, I can't blame Sam for wanting to get drunk at the end, but his use of "I" instead of "we" is sad. Dean could probably use a few drinks too, but the brothers only drink together when things are good between them, and they have a lot of mending to do before they get to that point again.
Dean - Completely amazing performance by Jensen Ackles, made all the more unbelievable to know that he managed it while also directing the episode - and it was even his first time playing Demon Dean! The way that Demon Dean escaped was very clever. His choice to arm himself with a hammer seemed very revealing - rather than going for a sharp weapon that would make quick work of Sam, he seemed to want poor Sammy to suffer. Dean knew that Sam didn't have it in him to kill him (not that he could anyway, since Dean can only be killed by the First Blade, but Ruby's knife could still injure him pretty badly), but Dean clearly enjoyed torturing Sam by putting him into that position. How much of Dean is back to being Dean now is unclear. He certainly cares about both Sam and Cas again, and is human enough to be hungry (which he hasn't been since before "Do You Believe In Miracles?"). So at the moment, he appears to be more human than he was the last time he died, but still very much on the slippery slope where he could become a demon again very easily. The conversation between Crowley and Dean in the last episode seems destined to become a new sound bite at the beginning of each episode: "You need to kill now..." "Otherwise I turn into a demon." So to upkeep Dean's humanish state, he'll need to regularly kill, and perhaps occasional booster shots of purified blood couldn't hurt.
Demon cure consistency questions - the original demon cure by the Men of Letters involved 8 doses of purified blood via confessionals, followed by a Latin incantation and a bloody palm to the face. The demon cure used here was so far removed from that that it makes you wonder why they thought it could still work. Perhaps the reason why Dean suffered more than Crowley during the cure was because they weren't doing it right? Why would Sam risk Dean's life more by using an untested version of the demon cure on him? (I get that the reason why they didn't have Sam use his own blood was because of all the internet theories that doing so would count as completing the Third Trial, but that loophole could have been more easily explained by a one liner about how Gadreel's healing had removed all traces of the Trials from Sam.) As is, the blood used was purified by a priest's ritual, not confessional, there was no Latin incantation used on Dean, and no bloody palm-print ending. This also made for a lot more of an anticlimactic ending.
I'm remaining optimistic that the lack of resolution scenes in this episode was just due to time constraints, and not wanting to rush them, meaning that we'll get more in the next episode. [Spoiler (click to open)]The idea of Werewolf Kate showing up again in the next episode seems to be the perfect segway to explore more about Dean's new issues. Kate has to continually eat animal hearts to survive, while constantly tempted to eat human hearts. Dean with the Mark of Cain must continually kill, and will be at a constant risk to turn back into a demon until he finds a way to get rid of the Mark. I'm expecting some good parallels to be drawn, and for Dean to be struggling with both his current situation and everything he's done/been through during his decent into demonhood. My biggest concern for the next episode is that none of the preview photos showed Castiel in them. Even if Castiel doesn't go with them on the case, he'd better at least be there at the beginning to help Dean acclimate to human life. For crying out loud, the last thing Dean said to Cas was "I'm glad you're here" - which was NOT Castiel's cue to leave! So if we don't see Castiel with the Winchesters again until episode 6 or 7 then I'm going to be pissed. It's bad enough that he won't be in the 200th episode, but the amount of time he's had with the Winchesters so far this season has been painfully limited.
Jensen Ackles Directing - absolutely fantastic! It's been wonderful to watch him grow as a director during the four episodes that he's directed so far, and I hope to see him do it again next year. He had lots of great little touches like the touching shout out to his nephew, and as I elaborated on above, the awesome choice of a hammer as a weapon that had some hidden meanings. The shots that he has been using have been becoming more dynamic, and do a great job at capturing both the action and the emotion of the scenes. Jensen described his experience this round as over-preparing as a director in order to focus on the acting while on set, and his detailed prep for the directing really shows.
Overall, a fantastic episode, even though I wish it had occurred later in the season.
Comments loved! (Whether you agree or disagree, friendly dialogue is welcome)