Thread Tracker

Dec 14, 2010 13:00

December 2010
12. sagiterrifying. Trying to get warm! I
12. p2iioniichacker. A wild matesprit appeared! I
13. wild_zubatman. My gods > your gods. I
13. usedclamp Cold makes humans sick. I
13. bufudyned Falling in snowdrifts I
13. l4w_of_dr4gons Meeting up soon. I
13. pullswhales -EXCIT-ED FOR POK-ÉMON! POST I
     ♓ threshecutioner cG has adorable Pokémon! I
     ♓ angerpoint Yes, I had fins! I
     ♓ awesome_scott Dratinis are awesome. I
     ♓ purrfectlysw33t Matesprit teasing, Pokémon fangirling. I
     ♓ itssakotis Different kinds of trolls I
     ♓ usedclamp Fay's Pokémon are so cute! II
     ♓ heatherusedrage Yes, they get along. I
14. trouser_chimp. Asking him to get out of the cold. I
14. itssakotis. Lithuania's Pokémon is so cute! II
14. masterofpranks. Meeting the John human. I
15. purrfectlysw33t. Hungry hungry aC. II
     ♓ l4w_of_dr4gons. Finally heading out! II
15. usedrage. Best first impression ever. I
15. soggypastry. Summary soon! I
15. conscionably. Our angels are different. I
16. of_france. Summary soon! I
16. roundtablemngr. Summary soon! I
16. nopuppets. Meeting the Dave human. I
17. stupidera. Feferi's a UMA. I
18. usedpainsplit. Summary soon! I
18. heatherusedrage. Summary soon! II
18. pullswhales. D: at training Pokémon. POST II
     ♓ l4w_of_dr4gons [p2iioniichacker threadjack]. Gathering the Pokémon. II
     ♓ threshecutioner Summary soon! II
        ♓ p2iioniichacker. Threadjack cC.
     ♓ pluckycharm. Summary soon! I
     ♓ purrfectlysw33t Summary soon! III
19. transmigure. Summary soon! I
20. brightlilwitch. Summary soon! I
20. p2iioniichacker. Summary soon! II
21. restardom. Summary soon! I

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