I'm so fucked up right now I don't know whats going on. I have turned into such a fucking wreck. Really I don't know why all of a sudden kenny is being such a an asshole and until friday we had been on the same page and all we did was hang out and all either of us wanted to do was hang out and now hes completely changed and I don't know what to do
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95 on the health test cause we forgot to re-check the air way :0
It's really kind of disturbing that health is my favorite class and I was the first person to raise my hand when miss Barba asked off if anyone would take her cpr course if she offered it lol
I think I'm going to go to the hospital and take a hardcore first aid class
Today I woke up at 8:00 AGAIN! I don't know why I keep waking up early for no reason. But today is robbie's family birthday party thing soo that should be a terrible waste of time. I hate when my cousins come over they wreck my house and ruin my life. And at this particular moment my house is actually clean
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So today I really did nothing the entire day. And I'm ridiculously sick. Actually I'm not even that sick, but I haven't been sick in so long it feels like I'm going to die
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