Given that I am married and have kids, I haven't gone without touching someone for a noticable period for years. Even if I did, like on a business trip or something, I am not sure I would notice or think about it.
I would like to think so I am just not sure. Physical human contact is definitely important to me, but like I said, i have it in abundence. I get at least 2-3 hugs from Sara everyday, often more, and I hold David throughout the day for various reasons, and that's just the kids.
Well, anyway, I just found it interesting that it caused such a reaction, because I do think I might respond in a similar way.
By all accounts, the Finns are rather standoffish until you get to know them well. So I'll prolly go through a similar touch withdrawal for the first month or two.
I made a good friend during my semester in Russia, named Olya. It was also customary there for friends to walk down the street holding hands or linking arms. I quite liked it.
I've had sweeties in the past where I would sit next to them on the sofa and simply *ache* for an affectionate touch, but that simply wasn't their nature. My last fella was specifically chosen because he was very touchy-feely, and I just loved it.
Having snuggly kitties takes the edge off, I've found.
Well, I feel your pain. I am a very touchy person. I hold hands with friend and hug people all the time. I went to Italy went I was 16 and everyone their holda hands. I think that's went it started. I think people think I am gay a lot.
Comments 8
Given that I am married and have kids, I haven't gone without touching someone for a noticable period for years. Even if I did, like on a business trip or something, I am not sure I would notice or think about it.
I would like to think so I am just not sure. Physical human contact is definitely important to me, but like I said, i have it in abundence. I get at least 2-3 hugs from Sara everyday, often more, and I hold David throughout the day for various reasons, and that's just the kids.
Well, anyway, I just found it interesting that it caused such a reaction, because I do think I might respond in a similar way.
I made a good friend during my semester in Russia, named Olya. It was also customary there for friends to walk down the street holding hands or linking arms. I quite liked it.
Having snuggly kitties takes the edge off, I've found.
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