Do you want to see screencaps of Keeley (or "Mrs Mr Keeley Hawes" as
bex245 has, in all fairness probably unintentionally, led me to start calling her) being hot with the hot Richard Armitage in the hot Vicar of hot Dibley (hot edition)?
I REALLY LIKE THIS THING SHE DOES WITH HER ARM. Keeley Hawes doesn't just avoid puddles, she avoids them with a twirl!
in fact... Keeley Hawes Fact #264: Keeley Hawes doesn't step aside to avoid getting her feet wet: puddles step aside to avoid getting their feet on Keeley Hawes!
"Who is this so-called '
punsleepable' and why does he keep following us? ...Naked?"
("Because following with an 'I LOVE KEELEY' t-shirt on would've just looked weird!")
This is a bit of a look of "Why on earth are you still here, you silly little man? I told you not ten seconds ago to fetch my afternoon tea and riding boots! And where, might i ask, is my caviar?! What-what."
Currently one of the greatest dilemmas in my life is that i simply cannot pick which of their heads I should photoshop my face onto! ALTHOUGH I DO KNOW WHICH WOULD LOOK SLIGHTLY MORE ALARMING. (White just isn't my colour, you know how it is!)
"Oh fuck, i've left the gas on!"
OH GOD how beautiful would their children be? I mean, not within the context of the program obviously, because that would be a bit incestuous and their kids would end up with gorgeous hair, lovely eyes, devastatingly attractive smiles and WEBBED FEET. But in real life! er, that is, if Keeley hadn't gone and INCONVENIENTLY got married, clearly with the express purpose of thwarting ALL my plans! They're trained to be sly like that, you know, these actress types.