Евгений Пригожин - не единственный путинский олигарх, который
борется с расследованием Мюллера и американскими санкциями. Тем же занят Олег Дерипаска. Через «сливного бачка»
Джона Соломона и верный Fox News запущена история, как Дерипаска рассмеялся в лицо агентам ФБР, которые приходили к нему в Нью-Йорке в сентябре 2016.
Lord this is sad
pic.twitter.com/jLF6H7ll2w- Josh Marshall (@joshtpm)
May 15, 2018 Соломон напоминает про то, как Дерипаска помогал ФБР искать
Боба Левинсона, пропавшего в Иране в 2007.
История мутная. Дерипаске не давали американской визы из-за его связей с российской организованной преступностью. Он сумел пробить себе визу через сделку с ФБР, пообещав им помощь с поисками Левинсона, но обещания не сдержал.
According to “Missing Man,” a forthcoming book by New York Times reporter Barry Meier, the FBI later relented and secretly arranged to have the Department of Homeland Security issue Deripaska a temporary visa in 2009, allowing him into the U.S. to meet with American business leaders after the oligarch promised he could help the bureau find Robert Levinson, a former bureau agent who has gone missing in Iran. But according to Meier’s book, Deripaska’s leads went nowhere and bureau officials determined they had been had by the Russian. The FBI concluded that Deripaska and two associates “were bullshit artists who had used Bob’s case as a means to try to get the United States to do what they wanted without ever delivering anything,” Meier writes.
https://www.yahoo.com/news/trumps-campaign-chief-ducks-questions-about-214020365.html С ФБР Дерипаску свёл
Борис Бирштейн из Торонто, замешанный в связях с солнцевской ОПГ, КГБ и Трампом.
Mr. Deripaska’s entry into the case held great promise. He headed an international mining and metals empire with business ties to Iran.
His involvement also came with a price. The State Department had refused Mr. Deripaska a visa because of allegations linking him to organized crime - accusations he has denied. But Mr. Birshtein, the Toronto businessman, had approached the F.B.I. with a plan: He would persuade Mr. Deripaska to join the search and, if they succeeded, both would get their entry problems resolved.
Mr. Deripaska said he would put up millions to fund the venture, but he insisted that his role be kept secret. However, word that big money was in play made its way to Iran. Suddenly, a man with family connections to Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, insisted that he could engineer Mr. Levinson’s release for a hefty price. F.B.I. officials were so confident about the plan that they told Mrs. Levinson to stay by the phone for a call from her husband. It never came.
Mr. Deripaska, who was scheduled to meet in 2009 with bankers in the United States, wanted to collect on his end of the deal. The State Department, after two heated meetings with Justice Department officials, refused to issue him a visa, according to government officials. The F.B.I., hoping to keep him in the game, made an end-run around State Department officials and issued him a visa under a special program, allowing him to enter the country twice.
https://www.nytimes.com/2013/12/14/world/middleeast/a-disappearing-american-spy-and-the-cia.html В Berkeley, University of California обсуждаем возможности сотрудничества с МГУ A post shared by
Олег Дерипаска (@oleg.deripaska) on
Jun 2, 2016 at 12:23am PDT
После 2009 и до того, как он
попал под санкции, Дерипаска к услугам ФБР уже не привегал и пользовался для поездок в США дипломатическим паспортом. Он в частности посетил Калифорнию в начале июня 2016 - одновременно с Трампом.
Social media posts and flight records reviewed by this reporter confirm that Deripaska landed in San Francisco on June 1st, 2016. According to an Instagram post made on June 2nd, Deripaska attended the Clean Energy Ministerial - a series of global forums held to promote a transition to clean energy. The aluminum and energy magnate was accompanied by Anton Inyutsyn, the Russian Deputy Minister of Energy.
Deripaska’s previously unreported venture to the Bay Area came at a time when the Trump campaign was crisscrossing the same territory, ahead of the California primary. On June 1st, Trump held a rally in Sacramento before traveling south to San Jose for a campaign event the following evening. Deripaska was on the campus of UC Berkeley on June 2nd, according to his social media.
https://medium.com/@ScottMStedman/oleg-deripaska-made-previously-unreported-trip-to-united-states-during-2016-election-dd2d6442c6be О поездке Дерипаски в Нью-Йорк в сентябре 2016 пока нет дополнительных свидетельств.
Click to view
Говоря о людях с богатством сомнительного происхождения, всплыла пара мутных персонажей из Европы - Стефана и Ольги Ро, которые приобрели британский баронский титул вместе с шотландским замком и тесно связаны с пропавшим «профессором»
Мифсудом, контактом Джорджа Пападопулоса.
In April 2016, Mifsud reportedly introduced Papadopoulos via email to Ivan Timofeev, who works for a think tank close to the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
That same month, Mifsud was in Moscow on a panel run by the Kremlin-backed Valdai Club with Timofeev and the third man, Dr Stephan Roh, a German multi-millionaire.
Mifsud and Roh interlock: in 2014, Roh became a visiting lecturer at the London Academy of Diplomacy. Roh bought Link Campus University, a private institution in Rome where Mifsud was part of the management and Mifsud became a consultant at Roh's legal firm.
Roh and his Russian-born wife, Olga, have homes in Switzerland, Monaco, London and Hong Kong. And then there is a derelict castle in Scotland - buying it made Stephan and Olga the Baron and Baroness of Inchdrewer.
http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-43488581 Стефан Ро написал целую книжку про Пападопулоса и рассказывает в ней, как его самого допрашивали люди Мюллера.
FBI agents working for special counsel Robert Mueller allegedly detained a lawyer with ties to Russia who is closely associated with Joseph Mifsud, the shadowy professor who claimed during the election that Russia had “dirt” on Hillary Clinton.
The revelation was made in a book co-written by that lawyer, Stephan Roh, and set to be published next month. “The Faking of RUSSIA-GATE: The Papadopoulos Case” is the latest in a stream of books aiming to capitalize on the chaos of this political moment. But it sheds new light on the expansive nature of Mueller’s investigation into Russia’s election interference and possible ties between President Donald Trump’s campaign team and Moscow.
Про его жену, владелицу дома моды Rohmir, известно, что она выросла в Москве и окончила ИнЯз им. Мориса Тореза.
В те времена у советских студентов была довольно хорошая физическая подготовка, тогда мы сдавали нормы ГТО, нас учили разбирать и собирать настоящие, не бутафорские автоматы Калашникова - мы были советской студенческой элитой. После окончания института выпускники становились военнообязанными, получали наряду с дипломами военный чин лейтенантов переводческой службы. «Нельзя терять ни минуты» стало стержневым понятием в моей биографии.
http://russianroulette.eu/lifestyle/olga-ro-karnegi-ot-mody/ Дальнейшая история мутная.
The most detail I can find about her is this in Russian and French here, where she is also known as Olga Chakhovskaya-Roh. An important part is about her studies at the University of Bern, after having fled there from Germany: “Ainsi, à 19 ans, je suis entrée à l’Université de Berne, à la faculté de pédagogie et de psychologie. J’ai pris également des cours supplémentaires, tels que les études germaniques, la critique littéraire, l’histoire et la culture de la mode.” That echoes what she said to Tagesspiegel in terms of location, but not in terms of studies. Tagesspiegel says “ihren Doktor in Vergleichender Literaturwissenschaft in der Schweiz“. So I looked into it at the University of Berne - they handily have an online thesis service, and database. However the only thing that vaguely matches there is this thesis - by someone called Olga Lemann-Vesselovskaya. From a nauseating TV show called “Meet the Russians” we know Olga’s daughter is called Nicole Lemann, and that Olga has been twice married. Nicole also calls herself Swiss. So I presume that Olga’s first marriage was to a Swiss called Lemann, and that her maiden name is Vesselovskaya. These are avenues for further enquiry.