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Из выступления Билла Гейтса на Мюнхенской конференции по безопасности в феврале 2017:
"Whether it occurs by a quirk of nature or at the hand of a terrorist, epidemiologists say a fast-moving airborne pathogen could kill more than 30 million people in less than a year. And they say there is a reasonable probability the world will experience such an outbreak in the next 10-15 years.
It's hard to get your mind around a catastrophe of that scale, but it happened not that long ago. In 1918, a particularly virulent and deadly strain of flu killed between 50 million and 100 million people.
You might be wondering how likely these doomsday scenarios really are. The fact that a deadly global pandemic has not occurred in recent history shouldn't be mistaken for evidence that a deadly pandemic will not occur in the future. <...>
Imagine if I told you that somewhere in this world, there's a weapon that exists-or that could emerge-capable of killing tens of thousands, or millions, of people, bringing economies to a standstill, and throwing nations into chaos.
You would say that we need to do everything possible to gather intelligence and develop effective countermeasures to reduce the threat.
That is the situation we face today with biological threats. We may not know if that weapon is man-made or a product of nature. But one thing we can be almost certain of. A highly lethal global pandemic will occur in our lifetimes." "We ignore the link between health security and international security at our own peril", Bill Gates, Co-Chair,
@gatesfoundation #MSC2017 Munich Security Conference (@MunSecConf)
February 18, 2017 Нельзя сказать, чтобы выступление Гейтса осталось полностью незамеченным. Washington Post опубликовала по этому поводу редакционную статью.
"BILL GATES, the world's richest man, who has devoted much of his philanthropy to improving global public health, gave a speech the other day at the Munich Security Conference that should have caught everyone's attention. Mr. Gates insisted that world leaders think differently about public health and national security. They should listen." Гейтс также приходил в Белый дом разговаривать с Трампом.
MR. SPICER: In regard to the news of the day, this morning, after receiving his daily intelligence briefing, the President met with Bill Gates, the co-chair and trustee of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The President and Mr. Gates talked about their shared commitment to finding and stopping disease outbreaks around the world. The President particularly commended Mr. Gates for the Gates Foundation’s work in global health and health security. Но послание со свистом пролетело мимо ушей.
Never before seen footage obtained exclusively by All In shows Bill Gates discussing meetings with Donald Trump
#inners All In with Chris Hayes (@allinwithchris)
May 18, 2018 Gates revealed that at two separate meetings Trump needed help distinguishing HIV, short for human immunodeficiency virus, and HPV. The latter, human papillomavirus, is a sexually transmitted infection that is responsible for causing genital warts or cervical cancer. The former is the virus that causes AIDS, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.
“Both times he wanted to know if there was a difference between HIV and HPV, so I was able to explain that those are rarely confused with each other,” Gates said as the audience laughed.
According to the show’s host, Chris Hayes, Gates had been speaking to Gates Foundation staff at a meeting earlier this week. The foundation could not be reached for comment.
During the meetings, Trump also asked “if vaccines weren’t a bad thing, because he was considering a commission to look into ill effects of vaccines,” Gates said.
The philanthropist, whose foundation has long supported and funded vaccine research, was quick to respond.
“I said, ‘No, that’s a dead end. That would be a bad thing; don’t do that,’ ” Gates recalled. Click to view
На той же конференции в Мюнхене другим запомнившимся выступлением стало выступление
Джона Маккейна, которые предупреждал об опасности для коллективного Запада перед лицом врагов (которых он не называл прямо, но под которыми можно было угадать путинскую Россию).
"The next panel asks us to consider whether the West will survive. In recent years, this question would invite accusations of hyperbole and alarmism. Not this year. If ever there were a time to treat this question with a deadly seriousness, it is now. <..>
We must be prudent, but we cannot wring our hands and wallow in self-doubt. We must appreciate the limits of our power, but we cannot allow ourselves to question the rightness and goodness of the West. We must understand and learn from our mistakes, but we cannot be paralyzed by fear. We cannot give up on ourselves and on each other. That is the definition of decadence. And that is how world orders really do decline and fall.
This is exactly what our adversaries want. This is their goal. They have no meaningful allies, so they seek to sow dissent among us and divide us from each other. They know that their power and influence are inferior to ours, so they seek to subvert us, and erode our resolve to resist, and terrorize us into passivity. They know they have little to offer the world beyond selfishness and fear, so they seek to undermine our confidence in ourselves and our belief in our own values." Cursed Conspiraboomer Images (@conspiraboomers)
March 6, 2020 К вирусам другого рода, которые "seek to sow dissent among us and divide us from each other", относятся теории заговора, распространяемые через социальные сети.
A video pushing the unfounded conspiracy that Bill Gates is responsible for creating the coronavirus has gone viral on Instagram, propelled by some black celebrities including comedians Cedric the Entertainer and D.L. Hughley, and professional fighter Derrick Lewis.
This video has been viewed more than 2.2 million times, according to data from CrowdTangle, a social media analysis tool owned by Facebook, which also owns Instagram. The current iteration of the video originated from the account @thefallbackup, a self-described “influential mystic” with 69,500 followers. The video was reposted by 20 verified Instagram users, and more than 50 other users.
“Bill Gates either predicted or planned the coronavirus outbreak,” the text on the video reads, before playing a clip from a 2015 TED Talk in which Gates explains that a highly infectious virus could be more deadly than war. Неизвестно, кто приложил руку к фальшивке про Билла Гейтса, но есть свидетельства, что путинские тролли опять пытаются
втереться в доверие к афроамериканцам, изобретательно используя для этого связи в Африке.
The Russian trolls are back -- and once again trying to poison the political atmosphere in the United States ahead of this year's elections. But this time they are better disguised and more targeted, harder to identify and track. And they have found an unlikely home, far from Russia itself.
In 2016, much of the trolling aimed at the US election operated from an office block in St. Petersburg, Russia. A months-long CNN investigation has discovered that, in this election cycle, at least part of the campaign has been outsourced -- to trolls in the west African nations of Ghana and Nigeria.
They have focused almost exclusively on racial issues in the US, promoting black empowerment and often displaying anger towards white Americans. The goal, according to experts who follow Russian disinformation campaigns, is to inflame divisions among Americans and provoke social unrest.
The language and images used in the posts -- on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram -- are sometimes graphic. Российские спецслужбы пытаются разжигать костер расовых трений с двух концов, одновременно поддерживая расистские и нацистские группировки.
The Russian government has stepped up efforts to inflame racial tensions in the United States as part of its bid to influence November’s presidential election, including trying to incite violence by white supremacist groups and to stoke anger among African-Americans, according to seven American officials briefed on recent intelligence.
Russia’s lead intelligence agency, the S.V.R., has apparently gone beyond 2016 methods of interference, when operatives tried to stoke racial animosity by creating fake Black Lives Matter groups and spreading disinformation to depress black voter turnout. Now, Russia is also trying to influence white supremacist groups, the officials said; they gave few details, but one official said federal investigators are examining how at least one neo-Nazi organization with ties to Russia is funded.
Other Russian efforts, which American intelligence agencies have tracked, involve simply prodding white nationalists to more aggressively spread hate messages and amplifying their invective. Russian operatives are also trying to push black extremist groups toward violence, according to multiple officials, though they did not detail how. Под "one neo-Nazi organization" подразумевается террористическая группа "The Base", несколько из участников которой были арестованы ФБР в январе.
On January 15, 2020, three Georgia men allegedly tied to The Base were arrested on charges of conspiracy to commit murder and participation in a criminal gang, according to arrest warrants and local reporting. One day later, on January 16, 2020, federal authorities arrested three men alleged to be members of The Base on a variety of gun charges. All three had firearms and were planning to attend a January 20 gun rally in Richmond, according to the F.B.I.
On Friday, January 17, 2020, authorities arrested a man in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, and charged him with conspiracy to violate citizens' rights to use property free from threats or intimidation, according to court records. He is accused of vandalizing a Racine, Wisconsin, synagogue and is believed to have coordinated efforts with other members of The Base.
Like other accelerationists, The Base encourages the polarization of political parties with the end goal of exacerbating tensions, which in turn will hasten societal collapse. To that end, Spear noted, “In our case, we want to survive, but we hope to also influence the political landscape and be able to use any power vacuum that does emerge to our advantage politically, by trying to assume control over that territory.” Как выясняется, руководитель этой организации занимался своей деятельностью из России, под надзором российских спецслужб.
The Base’s leader previously operated under the aliases “Norman Spear” and “Roman Wolf”. Members of the network do not know his true identity due to the group’s culture of internal secrecy.
But the Guardian can reveal that “Norman Spear” is in fact US-born Rinaldo Nazzaro, 46, who has a long history of advertising his services as an intelligence, military and security contractor. He has claimed, under his alias, to have served in Russia and Afghanistan.
The revelation of his identity comes after a months-long investigation by the Guardian into Nazzaro and the activities of the Base.
While Nazzaro’s most recently used address is in New Jersey, there is evidence supporting his claims of being based in Russia, where he lives with his Russian wife. Активно осваивать Россию американец начал не позднее 2015 года, узнала «Фонтанка». Ему в этом помогла практика международного обмена. Судя по соцсетям, у Наззаро в 2014 году жила школьница из Петербурга. Ее родители ответили любезностью, согласившись стать принимающей стороной для Наззаро. В марте 2015-го он прилетел в Россию по туристической визе и получил годовую регистрацию в купчинской квартире. Родители школьницы подтвердили эту информацию «Фонтанке», но обсуждать Наззаро не захотели, сославшись на то, что уже давно не поддерживают с ним отношения.
По данным «Фонтанки», не позднее 2017 года Наззаро подал на российское гражданство, обратившись в консульское учреждение РФ в США. Он имел право на упрощенный порядок, так как более трех лет состоял в браке с гражданкой России.
В гражданство Риналдо Наззаро был принят. Через российское представительство ему, супруге и детям оформили новые заграничные паспорта.
Наззаро с семьей, по информации «Фонтанки», окончательно переехал в Россию и поселился в Петербурге осенью 2017 года - за семь-восемь месяцев до того, как The Base впервые заявила о себе в Интернете.